
A site for and about the Democratic Party and it's politics (in the spirit of DKos-- I'm an unapolegetic Kossack myself) with the objective of helping to elect as many Democrats as possible in both this year and '08. For and about includes history and how we got here so we can figure out the road map out. And that covers a lot of ground. Add your two cent's worth. No refunds.Be advised this is very much a pro Wes Clark site.


A whole lotta years in the military (Redleg),with a family background that shows an unhealthy bent for all things political(genetic defect). Wife and self owned by cat.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Republican Values--Something to Run On.

And so it has come to pass that a lynchpin of Gop electoral posturing has been knocked out from them. In the wake of Congressman Foleys resignation there seems to be a whole lot more to the the story than just a couple of smarmy E-Mails. It appears that there was an ungoing pattern of behaviour that,because absolutly no attempt was made to curtail,was a to all intents and purposes countenenced by the GOP leadership. Showing more concern with holding on,to what they regard as, electoral property they completly abrogated any responsibility for what is entirely unacceptable behaviour. As such they can cease now their claims to be a party of law,order and values. The only values they have exhibited are self serving in nature. Dennis Hastert may cry long and loud for a criminal investigation but it it is quite simply not his place to do so. Long after behaviour he was aware of has now been revealed in the cold honest light of day. Too late for Hastert and his cronys. This guy is theirs. They wear it. And they lose the values agenda from their moth eaten,empty platform.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Another Bad Friday For The GOP

Bad news descended on the republican't campaign today on a couple of fronts. In Virginia the Mason Dixon Poll shows Jim Webb and 'Macaca'

Allen are tied at 43% with six weeks to go. It's been a steady drip,drip,drip

of misfortune for Allen and we are starting to see the results. The Allen campaign is about to unleash a 600,000 dollar ad campaign so we can expect some slime there. Nonetheless,this is bad news for the Republicant's. Webb is slowly climbing in support and could well be the next Senator from Va. I would say too,that he could get credit for ending Allens presidential hopes except that Allen seems to doing that all by himself.

Topping it ,however,is the debacle unfolding in Fla 16 where Rep Mark Foley (rep) has resigned effective immediatly,leaving the GOP with no cantidate in the district. Looks like another pickup for the Democrats. Seems former Rep. Foley was hitting on kids. Republican Family Values in action.

It doesn't get any better for chimpy with the impending release of Bob Woodwards new book slamming the Administrations performance in Iraq. The more the GOP tries to tie Iraq to the war on terror,the less it seems to stick. This is chimpys millstone. It isn't helping that it seems to open season in the media on Rumsfeldt. Already a bad Friday for the GOP and the day isn't over yet.

Oops,Link Correction

If the link in the article below doesn't work,try this one.

Northwest Progressive Institute: WA-04 ripe for the picking

Washington 04
Maybe a Bellwether, Maybe the Difference

There are some great numbers coming out of Wa 04,currently held by Tom Delay hangaround Doc Randall. Things look good for Richard Wright at the moment and with six weeks left to go in the campaign. Wa 04 is interesting for a couple of reasons (not the least of which is both my and myself are fans of the area--the Yakima Valley is beautiful with,according to the Chamber of Commerce 300 days of sun a year. I believe it. Its also damn cold at night out on the Yakima Firing Center Ranges,another reason why I am familiar with the area. The Valley is dotted with wineries,brew pubs and scenery and has an awful lot to offer as a good place to be. Just my opinion),given that a while back it was an oasis of red in Washingtons blue coloring.

It is the sort of district that has turned sour for the GOP. They dot the country and it will take at least 15 of them to turn over to the Democrats in order for there to be a change in control of the House of Representitives come November. Where 04 gets interesting is that as polls close across the country in various time zones and votes are (somewhat)counted it could well be that a final decision as to who will win control will not have been decided. We know most districts in Wa will go blue. No surprises there. But 04 could be the surprise. A win here will mean two things,one,there was indeed a 'blue tide'. Two,it is quite likely that Wa 04 will be one of the districts that push the Democrats over the top.

This one merits a good look. And a whole lot of hard work from Democrats in 04. This district could make a differance.

Northwest Progressive Institute: WA-04 ripe for the picking

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
( The Clash)

A number of years ago,in a far away place as part of my duties I manned an

Observation Post in the Middle East. On the night shift we would listen to a radio we 'didn't have',often tuned to BBC 5 because it was the only English language station we could pick up. At that time they played a strange hodge-podge of tunes that crossed the pop-rock gamut. one thing we could count on is that we would hear the Clashes "Should I stay or Should I Go?" at least once during the long night. The lyrics (if one knows them) seemed very appropriate to our situation( "If I stay there will be trouble-if I go it will it will be double" get the picture) We would then treat the opposing forces we were situated between (about 50' away)to the sight of a bunch of troops who'd been overseas just a little too long dancing on the top of their OP to some good ol' punk. I think they thought we were a little wierd.

I mention this story on the heels of some polling data that has come out of Iraq-the results are posted above (courtesy of Washington Monthly). As one can see there is an overwhelming sentiment towards the 'multinational forces' leaving Iraq pretty much immediatly. Theres a problem with that though. Currently the administration is committed to staying in Iraq (Haliburton hasn't raped enough profit yet,I guess) and I doubt,given their proven inability to organize a simple task such as an orgy in a whorehouse with a fistful of fifties and Gold Cards taped to their foreheads that they would capable of carrying and executing the most difficult military manouver of all-the withdrawl. Not only would they screw it up if they tried they are,in fact,too mired,too committed to this debacle in waiting to be able to take the required steps.

That will be left to people that actually have some military experience and the ability to listen to those better trained and experienced to offer a solution--in other words the professionals that the Rumsfeld and Cheney cabal have,in some cases,ignored,in others hounded out of the service. This is a Republican mess and it will take the Democratic Party to clean it up. Starting the first Wednesday in November and led by newly elected Democrats in both the House and the Senate,many of whom will come from the 'Fighting Dems',veterans much better equiped to deal with the situation than the current inept crew. Something to work towards.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Illinois 06- Tammy Duckworth

Illinois 06 features a good matchup between Tammy Duckworth (Dem) and Peter Roskow (Rep) to replace Henry Hyde. Duckworth faces an uphill fight but can win this district. Uphill battles

aren't new for Duckworth,a 1992 ROTC grad who took a commision in the Army Reserve as a helicopter pilot because that was one of the few combat roles available for women. An Iraq veteran,who paid a price for her participation in that war, Duckworth is currently a Major in Illinois Guard. As a candidate for Congress she brings an awful lot experience and grit to the table and would make an outstanding addition to the House as well as a hardworking and committed Representative for her district. A link to her campaign is below if you would like
find out more about this cantidate. She needs your support.

Tammy Duckworth for Congress

A Bad Week For The GOP

For a few different reasons this was not a good week for the GOP. In Ohio we had news that it appears that Democrats are poised to unleash a statewide sweep. And in Virginia came further revelations about

George Allens potty mouth,and its past utterances. Sen Allen hoped for this campaign to his debut on the national stage. Instead its looking more and more like Ashley Simpsons on SNL. I think by election day there will be no further talk of Allens suitibility for the Republican presidential ticket.

Not too far away,in Pennsylvania, the Casey-Santorum matchup has gone into double digits--favoring the Democrats. Ricky must be going nuts as he watches it slide away. Maybe he and Allen can take a golf juncket together later in the fall. They'll have the time.

There were other events of note. Testor in Mo. came out hard against Burns and the Patriot Act. He looks to be making up ground there and this may well be a pick up. The release of the NIE further kneecapped chimpy and turdblossems attempts to make national security an issue against Democrats. Bushes approval numbers,while claimed in some quarters to be rising,are in fact quite stagnant,unable to get over or even near a 50% threshold. They're stuck and ain't gonna get better. Especially if 'Big Dog' goes on the warpath like he did on Faux News on Sunday. Clinton did what so many Demcrats need to do--push back. Hard. Not take that neo-con assault. If they know they are going to get hit they won't go there (don't think faux will have Bill back any time soon).

All in all, a pretty good week for Democratic Party candidates. Ther needs to be a lot more hard work in the next while to ensure there are more. We know they've got something up their sleeve. Get ready for it.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Good News From OH-02

Friday comes bearing news from OH-02, well known as the home of 'Mean Jean' Schmidt, famous for her " Marines don't cut and run" speech directed at 30 year veteran Marine John Murtha. That speech earned her honor guard status with the wing nut faction of the GOP and gave her a national profile. However prior to that,MJ was well known for
something else. OH 02 had gone overwhelmingly
Bush in '04 but when she ran to fill the vacant district she had as her opponent Paul Hackett, a Marine reservist,veteran of Iraq. Hacket was the first of what has become known as the 'Fighting Dems', veterans of some or many of the conflicts of the last few years who are standing up for another term of service on a different front ( the FD's number approximatly 30 at this time as opposed to
2-3 for the GOP--shows who's enlisting for service,doesn't it? Fighten'Dem vs Yellow Elephant).

Hackett (with a little online help from the blogosphere,notably Dkos) came very close to beating Schmidt. Its apparent that the attention he garnered,coupled with MJ's brilliant perfomance in the house has given a huge leg up to the Democratic cantidate this time around, Dr Victoria Wulsin. Todays Survey USA Election Poll (#10292, to be exact) has the two at 45-42, a margin of error tie. And this in what was a very red district. Great news for a Friday afternoon. This race,of course, now has a higher profile than it might have had in the past but it can't be a good sign for GOP Congressional hopes if they are in trouble in 02. With any luck (and a lot of hard work) OH 02 will have a new Rep come Nov.,one we know won't crap on veterans while dressed as a 1970's Olympic gymnast.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

And On The Corruption Trail

Over on Huff Po this morning I saw an interesting list that featured the 25 most corrupt politicians in Washington. Of course some of the names were no surprise-- the Three Stooges featured on the
right (but of course) made the list. At least two of
them ('Larry' Burns and 'Moe' Santorum) are having difficulties in their electoral quest,with
campaigns encountering difficulties out of the gate. 'Curly' Frist, is of corse not up for election but Kitten Killer still entertains delusions of a presidential bid ( expect a post from our own cuddly little rat killer on Sen Frist sometime in the near future). Joining them on the roll of dishonor is,to no surprise,given her association with lobbiests and contractors, is the always

entertaining Katherine Harris. I am shocked. Truly surprised. And after her trusting stewerdship of the 2000 ballot recount in Florida.

Of course, Democrats didn't face exclusion from this roll

with,no surprise, Rep. Jefferson making the grade,as did Maxine Walters,for some reason. Lets try to avoid scenes like this one on the right. The next list should be Democrat free. For the whole dishonor roll head over to Huffington Post.

And From Wesley Clarks PAC:

The link below leads to Wes Clarks PAC. Besides upcoming events and appearances it features an ad by Vote Vets. Gen Clark is committed to supporting Democratic Party cantidates across the country this election cycle as well as being commited to veterans issues,and the election of 'fighting dems'. Watch the ad. This is a group that deserves support. And maybe get out and check out one of Gen Clarks appearances. You won't be disappointed,he's a great speaker.

WesPAC Securing America

If You Havn't seen This:

If you have eight or so minutes to spare you could spend it worse ways than to view the link below. Its from Crooks and Liars and shows Kieth Olberman on a tear. Well worth seeing.

Crooks and Liars » Olbermann: “The President of the United States owes this country an apology”

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pennsylvania Senate Update

Poor Ricky Santorum. Things just don't seem to be breaking his way. He sure he's discovered some sort of media plot to hold some sort

of bias against him. Apparently they've forced him to spend all sorts

of money to counter their efforts. The nerve. As well, apparently some ungrateful taxpayers have had the temerity to approach and actually question him on some issues. To see Ricky in all his glory just check out the link in the post below. Very entertaining. For a good contrast Bob Casey has a new campaign ad out that shows you don't have to send a negative message to have a powerful one. ( also below). No wonder Santorum is upset. It will take a whole lot of spending to counter Casey if he stays on message.

And From The Other Camp We have This:

Another of Rickys finer moments-good link here:

Senator Santantrum - Santorum Exposed: The Blog

New Ad From Casey/Santorum Race

Highly recommend viewing--strong,positive ad.

Bob Casey for U.S. Senate - New Ad

Monday, September 18, 2006

50 Days To Go...An Update.

Last week this site posted a short list of candidates we think deserve to win their respective races. Here's a quick update on some of those contests.

In Virginia the race between Allen and Webb has tightened,with both candidates showing momentum. The problem for 'Maccaca' Allen is, his seems to be backwards. Webb trounced Allen in a debate on Meet the Press , presenting a clear choice to Virginias voters. Within 24 hrs Webbs campaign had received over $100,000 in online donations. One hopes that will translate into votes as Allens campaign loses steam. This is a 'twofer' as Allens presidential (whats left of them) aspirations are at stake here. A good week for the Webb campaign and his backers but a lot remains to be done. Especially when Allens camp starts to get desperate.

Over in Montana the numbers look good for Jon Tester. 52 - 43%. A tough lead to overcome but it will take a lot of vigilance to keep Burns from going back to Washington. This one may get a little nasty before its done.

Retirement looming for Burns?

And in Conn the ballot has been released and its bad for Joe Lieberman. He will be placed at least fifth from the top,with the other Republican't, Schlesinger at the top. Ned Lamont, the real and only Democrat in the race follows him. A small, but crucial break for Lamont, if Republican voters mark their ballot before looking at the whole list

Thursday, September 14, 2006

More Cracks are Starting to Show

For the past few years we have been witness to a political machine that has been known for its ruthlessness and effectiveness. A machine that showed it could win elections almost every time out--but couldn't govern worth crap. The latter never used to matter as campaigns could be won by a variety of methods--disinformation--fear--and of course smear. Governance came very much second. After all, who was paying attention? Hell, hardly anyone voted! And it worked. Well.

Problem was that after a while problems started to appear. Certain individuals had to pose for mugshots, get fingerprinted and some actually went to jail. Certain problems wouldn't go away, like a war, an unrebuilt city, fuel prices--stuff like that. Problems led to some cracks in the foundation as congresscritters scurried off to their districts and found there was a whole lotta shit in their in boxes. Like a two ton gorilla called a pissed off electorate. All of a sudden certain goopers where reluctant to be seen in public with their Main Man, GW (no invitation for this years pancake breakfast Mr President. It may rain). That was a big starting crack. Then others grew a spinal disc and began to question certain aspect of chimpys wiretapping fubar. Somehow there was no confirmation for UN ambssador John Bolton. And now the biggest crack so far Karl (turdblossem) Rove and his Dark Side minions to deal with, although I am sure they are preparing the Swift Boat moorage, to deploy against one of their own, as we speak.

The latest crack to appear is Colin Powells statements today, lining up with Sen McCain on the torture issue. I think that Powell is severly pissed at his treatment at the hands of the Cheniest cabal and has been biding his time. He went very quietly, all things considered, at the time, but I think it was just to regroup and grab the high ground. He is prepared to open his offensive at the opportune time. Today's statement was just the adjusting rounds on the target. More to follow very soon. Timed, I am sure,to have the maximum effect with positioning for the future kept in mind. After all, someone is going to have to clean up the mess the GOP may well be in shortly and be around for '08. McCain won't run, Allen is just about done and Frist is actually considered (please,please, bring on kitten killer). Leaves a lot of room for a former Sec State with relativley (as these things go) clean hands.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Guest Column

Morbo's Corner

Puny Humans! Pay attention here! Morbo is upset with some of the choices(No!!! all of them!!!) and demands representation for his choices.

First Morbo wishes to congratulate a friend for striking fear into the hearts of puny humans....

Morbo says " Good Work"

Morbos Picks:

In the Penn Senate race Morbo likes Ricky Santorum. His ramblings and rantings entertain Morbo.

In Montana Conrad Burns has shown he is worthy

of Morbos support. Few have shown such ability at

sleeping through public meetings. After all,why pay

attention when you've already been paid?

And in the Fla Senate race Morbo thinks
Katherine Harris should be a shoo in. What puny human can stand up to her dedication and perseverance,her commitment to democracy for

important humans? Number one on Morbos



Morbo angry!! Stupid puny human laws!!!

These are just a few of Morbo's Picks to govern you puny humans. Morbo will return with others,to spare you the trouble of thought. Vote Morbo's Picks! Or be eaten,puny humans!

Just Some of the Candidates That Deserve Support This November.

In Virginia, up against fading Presidential hopeful 'Macacca'
Allen, former Sec/Navy and Annapolis grad Jim Webb. I urge max support from those that can give it. Sec Webb brings a whole lot of experiance and credibility to the table.

In Montana, giving Conrad burns trouble is Jon Tester.
Excellant chance for a pickup.

Of course, the man,who with a lot of on line help,replaced Joe Lieberman on the Democratic Party ticket in Conn, Ned Lamont.

New Yorks 29th District has ' Fightin Dem' Eric Massa, a veteran with a whole lot to offer.

In Penn we have retired Admiral Joe Sestak in a critical race that is looking better for Democrats every day.

These are just a few of what is the strongest field to run for the Democratic Party in years. There will be more on these and others. I urge anyone who wants a change this year,real change,to get out and support these candidates. Regardless of how favorable the polls are right now,and no matter how enfeebled the Bush Administrtation is at the moment electoral victory for these and others will only come through good old fashioned hard campaigning. The Republicants will pull out each and every stop to smear and Swift Boat as many as possible. Only strong support can change this and upset their impending desperation tactics.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Wes Clark: Democratic Party Dream---GOP Nightmare.

September 2006 and midterms approach. Heck,they're here. And one thing Democrats can feel good about is the high quality of candidates running under the Democratic Party banner. Especially the number of,what some of us refer to as the'Fighting Dems', veterans such as Tammy Duckworth or Jim Webb in Va,running for office. The last count I saw was something around 20 - 22 in all as opposed to the GOPs 3. The disparity probably lies in who is actually currently fighting the nations conflicts. A lot of 'blue' blue collar districts have quite likely contributed an inordinate number of sons and daughters to serve as opposed to,perhaps, some others.( prove me wrong.please.) Interesting juxtaposition,though.The party 'soft on defense'fields the most candidates with military experience.

And that brings me to the man who is,in fact,not running for office this cycle,yet is out there,almost every day working to give support to the Democratic Party message. General Wesley Clark,as all know,ran a good,but unsuccessful rookie campaign in '04. Some questioned his commitmit to the party and wondered if he would stick around after his moment in the sun. Gen Clark has answered that question clearly and concisly, with his continued,and growing,presence on the national stage,getting the message out in a competant and consistant manner and demonstrating that he is indeed a viable choice for '08.

I think that he,is in,fact,not just a viable choice,but the logical choice. Gen Clark brings a strong record on defense and security matters that is not just marked by its length but by its record of demonsrated competance,something so lacking in Washington these days. A record that reflects a commitmit to ethics and doing the right thing (as evidenced by his decision to stay in the Army post Viet Nam and rebuild an institution that so badly needed leadership instead of taking the route to big money on the outside--the easy route many took). It will be very hard for the GOP to come up with a candidate of similiar credentials,not tainted with an association with the current administration and the clinging muck it spreads to all who come in contact. It will be hard for the GOP to find someone who campaigns as easily or as well as Wes Clark. He can get on a barstool as he did at YKos and give a stunning dissertation on what exactly is wrong,moving an entire room into an enthusiastic crowd of motivated voters or he can stand in debate with the any and all comers,confident in his message and ability to deliver it. Exactly the sort of candidate that gives Republicant strategists nightmares. They won't be able to get to this guy which means their guy is going to have to be better. And that,given the current list,is going to hard to do.

Wes Clark looks more and more the logical candidate for '08.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Fridays News Dump- Senate Report

Just like last week,Friday afternoon brought no joy to the GOP camp. Last Friday it was the Pentagon with bad news about Iraq. Today it was a Senate report completly debunking any Saddam/911 connection. None.Zero. Nothing. Of course many of us have known this all along but it has become a mantra from certain Republicants that there was a connection. And not surprisingly,it has been bought into by a sizeable segment of the population.

Perhaps now this disinformation campaign can be brought to a halt. Democratic candidates and strategists have to take the offense on this. Every time (and they will continue to try) Republicans try to establish a connection that doesn't exist they need to be firmly and accuratly hit with the facts. Each and every time. And that includes the ringleader of the disinformation campaign, Karl Rove and his minion GW-currently on a road trip to rally the faithful. For the last two weeks his message has looked substationally weaker.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Takes a dim view of things.

Can the Rove Strategy Work?

As we have seen the post Labor Day kickoff to November has started with a 'fresh' 'new' approach by the GOP---attack.attack,attack. Complete with attack monkey GW hitting the hustings,speaking to awe inspired crowds,hanging on his every word(more likely thinking"havn't we heard this before?is he going to sum up soon?").

There are a couple of problems with turdblossems strategy this time around. One, chimpy was pretty much kneecapped coming out of the gate with the latest Pentagon report. As well,the polls are consistantly showing that people are in fact making the distinction between Bushes war in Iraq and the war on terrorism. Not only making the distinction but there is a solid gap of ten to fifteen points between the two sets of beliefs. A big enough gap that it will be very hard to close it. Especially if Democratic Party candidates refuse to back down and answer the GOP bile toe to toe. They have to frame the argument so that there is no doubt the GOP is on the defensive-"Bushes War in Iraq". Hammer that message as a mantra to counter their attempt to blame and demean all who dare oppose their skewed plans. Make them defend incompetance. After all its their legacy,their record. They are the ones who screw up everything they touch.

They are big boys now and have to run on their record. Not Clintons. Not Carters and not FDR's. This one is all about them. Lets keep it that way. Do that and Roves strategy just won't work.