Another Bad Friday For The GOP
Bad news descended on the republican't campaign today on a couple of fronts. In Virginia the Mason Dixon Poll shows Jim Webb and 'Macaca'
Allen are tied at 43% with six weeks to go. It's been a steady drip,drip,drip
of misfortune for Allen and we are starting to see the results. The Allen campaign is about to unleash a 600,000 dollar ad campaign so we can expect some slime there. Nonetheless,this is bad news for the Republicant's. Webb is slowly climbing in support and could well be the next Senator from Va. I would say too,that he could get credit for ending Allens presidential hopes except that Allen seems to doing that all by himself.
Topping it ,however,is the debacle unfolding in Fla 16 where Rep Mark Foley (rep) has resigned effective immediatly,leaving the GOP with no cantidate in the district. Looks like another pickup for the Democrats. Seems former Rep. Foley was hitting on kids. Republican Family Values in action.
It doesn't get any better for chimpy with the impending release of Bob Woodwards new book slamming the Administrations performance in Iraq. The more the GOP tries to tie Iraq to the war on terror,the less it seems to stick. This is chimpys millstone. It isn't helping that it seems to open season in the media on Rumsfeldt. Already a bad Friday for the GOP and the day isn't over yet.
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