Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
( The Clash)
A number of years ago,in a far away place as part of my duties I manned an
Observation Post in the Middle East. On the night shift we would listen to a radio we 'didn't have',often tuned to BBC 5 because it was the only English language station we could pick up. At that time they played a strange hodge-podge of tunes that crossed the pop-rock gamut. one thing we could count on is that we would hear the Clashes "Should I stay or Should I Go?" at least once during the long night. The lyrics (if one knows them) seemed very appropriate to our situation( "If I stay there will be trouble-if I go it will it will be double"...you get the picture) We would then treat the opposing forces we were situated between (about 50' away)to the sight of a bunch of troops who'd been overseas just a little too long dancing on the top of their OP to some good ol' punk. I think they thought we were a little wierd.
I mention this story on the heels of some polling data that has come out of Iraq-the results are posted above (courtesy of Washington Monthly). As one can see there is an overwhelming sentiment towards the 'multinational forces' leaving Iraq pretty much immediatly. Theres a problem with that though. Currently the administration is committed to staying in Iraq (Haliburton hasn't raped enough profit yet,I guess) and I doubt,given their proven inability to organize a simple task such as an orgy in a whorehouse with a fistful of fifties and Gold Cards taped to their foreheads that they would capable of carrying and executing the most difficult military manouver of all-the withdrawl. Not only would they screw it up if they tried they are,in fact,too mired,too committed to this debacle in waiting to be able to take the required steps.
That will be left to people that actually have some military experience and the ability to listen to those better trained and experienced to offer a solution--in other words the professionals that the Rumsfeld and Cheney cabal have,in some cases,ignored,in others hounded out of the service. This is a Republican mess and it will take the Democratic Party to clean it up. Starting the first Wednesday in November and led by newly elected Democrats in both the House and the Senate,many of whom will come from the 'Fighting Dems',veterans much better equiped to deal with the situation than the current inept crew. Something to work towards.
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