
A site for and about the Democratic Party and it's politics (in the spirit of DKos-- I'm an unapolegetic Kossack myself) with the objective of helping to elect as many Democrats as possible in both this year and '08. For and about includes history and how we got here so we can figure out the road map out. And that covers a lot of ground. Add your two cent's worth. No refunds.Be advised this is very much a pro Wes Clark site.


A whole lotta years in the military (Redleg),with a family background that shows an unhealthy bent for all things political(genetic defect). Wife and self owned by cat.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Power Of And Behind The Throne

It probably doesn't surprise anyone as to the extent of Dick Cheneys influence in the Administration. But, if there are some who have doubts I suggest they follow the link below for some
educating reading. Find out how Cheney is in the habit of announcing policy--even before his nominal boss is aware of it.

And you thought he was in charge.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Interview World Needed Will happen On Wednesday

The lovely couple pictured here have a hot date scheduled for Wednesday on Larry King Corpse as the living dead grants the first media interview with the brain dead after her release from doing 'hard time'. I am sure, if one has the stomach for it, that listening to her account of 'First Contact With Reality' and, ugh, 'Real People", accompanied by Mr '42,000 interviews and I'm still crap' should be strangly fascinating. As I said, if you have the stomach for it. The question of which MSM outlet would be the first to grab this distraction fom real news has been answered. This guy can't wait.

The Latest From Wes Clark

As usual Wes Clark has been busy making the rounds in an
atttempt to forestall the serial bunglers of the Bush Administration from any rash action toward Iran. Of, course
it is a no brainer that Iran poses a severe threat to stability
and must be reigned in. However it's pretty apparent that the
neo con elements who so thoroughly botched the Iraq
misadventure at the price of ignoring the real conflict in
Afghanistan are little equipped to deal with the current situation. For a complete summery of Clarks media appearances follow the link below.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


There is no other word for it. While many work hard on behalf of veterans ( Ilona Meagher of DKos comes to mind with her just out book-Moving A Nation To Care comes to mind) the VA and the Bush Administration have failed miserably on this debt---in fact they have bounced so many checks they have no credit rating. For one of the horror stories check the link below.

Lets do that-properly

French Elections-- the Second Round

Voters in one of my favorite countries have gone to the
polls, making their choices in the Parliamentry Elections
in the wake of last months Presidential Elections won by
Nicolas Sarkozy and his UMP. to no-ones surprise the UMP has prevailed but to much smaller numbers than some expected. On the heels of the Presidential election
many thought the Socialist Party to be in disarray following the mistake laden campaign run by Segolene Royal but it appears they have rallied and managed to get their base out--good 'ole fashioned campaign work-perhaps a cautionary lesson for the Democratic Party on these shores.

Sarkozy's UMP will have a reduced majority but should have
little difficulty in getting it's center right agenda through--
providing it is not too much too fast. France faces many issues that have been unresolved, issues that may seem familier to many--immigration and integration, productivity and new approaches to old problems. Sarkozy has a unique opportunity
to set the table for the future. All is not doom and gloom there---France is not broken, only needing some repair. In fact, in my recent sojorn there I saw many positive aspects. One of my yardsticks is construction, and I saw a lot of it. Both in housing and roadwork. Their economy has problems, but they are not in any sort serious trouble---just due for a rational discussion of the future direction and Frances place in the world. After all,
this is a country with a lot of history. And history, something younger countries forget, provides good framework and possible direction. Perhaps the French will get it right. They already have a lot going for them. And they have their priorities right. A sunny Wednesday afternoon and it seems the entire town is out doing what really counts--populating the local brassieries, cafes and bars having a good meal and wine. Normandy. The inner harbor of Dieppe.

The history---not exactly the land of WalMart!

Wes Clark on Joe Lieberman

In the wake of former Democrat Joe Liebermans deranged rant Wes Clark has an op-ed in the Huffington Post well worth reading. Clark has been active trying to disrupt the wing nuts whose agenda to invade Iran is a menace to all. Clark provides a voice of reason but pulls no punches when it comes to Lieberman.
Link below...

Gen. Wesley Clark: Joe Lieberman Is At It Again - Politics on The Huffington Post

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Abromoffs Stain Spreads

The fallout from GOP lobbiest Jack Abromhoffs corruption

continues with the likely incarceration of, wait for it, another
Republican flak. Former Deputy Interior Secretary J. Steven Griles in next up in the batters box of justice. His crime? This

will sound familiar---felony obstruction of justice. Just like

Scooter. Just like a lot of Republicans. The constant theme of disrespect for the principles of law and order really do run through this crowd. The perative word being crowd-- as in their attempt to contribute to prison overcrowding all by themselves. And a fine job of it they are doing.

Details here

These cats are greedy

Friday, June 15, 2007

As the Pentagon Turns.......

Apparently Joint Chiefs head General Peter Paces departure has become a little messy. It's not really a surprise when one considers the Bush Administrations history of questionable treatment of the military. Not to excuse Paces leadership but a greay many careers,in paricular Army ones, have been ended over the conduct of Bush's War. It is interesting to note that of all the major Commands only two are currently commanded by an Army General. Perhaps it should come as no surprise that Paces ' succesor is an Admiral. I guess Bush thinks he'll get less argument from the groud war experts in the Navy. The Bush War--fought by the an Army not trusted by it's civilian political masters and commanded by the Navy. A winning formula in an age of land based counter insurgancy operations

Whither The GOP?

And where does the GOP turn in the wake of what is sure to be known by future historians as the Bush Debacle? Given the dismally low numbers for the bushcheney team and their legacy it's fair to speculate on the various paths the numerous wanna be's who aspire (one would hope vainly ) to Be The One To Clean Up The Mess. Do they distance themselves from the current Administration? Or toady themselves while a bad situation wallows in indecisive failure? Given, for example, mid-level candidate Mitt Romneys ease of position change on many issues-slick very, very slick- it is likely that this could well be a slippery slope to a train wreck of policy issues. Bears watching, no matter how distasteful.
More on this here--

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Where Bush Is Popular

Believe it or not there actually is a place on this earth where Bush remains popular. Indeed a place full of enthusiasm for him. Mind you you, we are not talking the center of the universe here but when your numbers are where his are you have to be grateful for any well wishers. Even if it is Albania. Yep, Albania. I guess after decades of Enver Hoxha's rule even Chimpy might look good. Maybe they think he can deliver a goat in every living room.