French Elections-- the Second Round

Voters in one of my favorite countries have gone to the
polls, making their choices in the Parliamentry Elections
in the wake of last months Presidential Elections won by
Nicolas Sarkozy and his UMP. to no-ones surprise the UMP has prevailed but to much smaller numbers than some expected. On the heels of the Presidential election
many thought the Socialist Party to be in disarray following the mistake laden campaign run by Segolene Royal but it appears they have rallied and managed to get their base out--good 'ole fashioned campaign work-perhaps a cautionary lesson for the Democratic Party on these shores.

little difficulty in getting it's center right agenda through--
providing it is not too much too fast. France faces many issues that have been unresolved, issues that may seem familier to many--immigration and integration, productivity and new approaches to old problems. Sarkozy has a unique opportunity
to set the table for the future. All is not doom and gloom there---France is not broken, only needing some repair. In fact, in my recent sojorn there I saw many positive aspects. One of my yardsticks is construction, and I saw a lot of it. Both in housing and roadwork. Their economy has problems, but they are not in any sort serious trouble---just due for a rational discussion of the future direction and Frances place in the world. After all,
this is a country with a lot of history. And history, something younger countries forget, provides good framework and possible direction. Perhaps the French will get it right. They already have a lot going for them. And they have their priorities right. A sunny Wednesday afternoon and it seems the entire town is out doing what really counts--populating the local brassieries, cafes and bars having a good meal and wine. Normandy. The inner harbor of Dieppe.
The history---not exactly the land of WalMart!
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