Daily Kos is Five!
Today marks five years since the blog Daily Kos first appeared on an internet near you. Since it's debut DKos has grown into the single largest political blog on anyones block. It's growth has been phenominal. I first started posting there after the '04 elections and have seen the sight expand from my what used be my high newb UID of 56411 to well over 122,000. During the last five years DKos has been a hive of debate, discussion, political activism, education and accomplishment. I say accomplishment because in recent political contests it has become apparent that the Netroots have made a differance in many a political contest. Indeed, it can be fairly said that DKos has contibuted to the current changed political landscape, assisting in the election of quite a few Democrats. Many from DKos have started their own projects, expanding the availability of intellegent discourse throughout the blogosphere. The maturity of DKos has led to a maturing of the blogosphere as a whole--and it's clout. So lift a glass in celebration and a toast to DKos and it's founder Markos Moulitis Zuniga, whom I share something in common with---service in the Artillery. We Redlegs are an opinionated bunch! Head on over to DKos to see how the are celebrating

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