Closing in on Karl Rove
As promised we are back. And who better to jump start after a hiatus than Karl Rove? It appears the circle is closing in on good 'ole Rovula. Henry Waxman has a few questions to ask of the Manipulator in Chief. About his involvement with all sorts of stuff- pick one- Gonzalez, Abromhof--ah yes Abromoff. It seems that a former member of Roves inner circle

has used the 'I' word. Immunity. This from Susan Ralston, the former gatekeeper to the dank bunker from which Rove directs his minions. Ralston is attempting to obtain immunity before being called before Congressman Waxman's committee. From her stance, this is probably a good idea. Quite a few Republican's have had a bit of dififculty in coming to terms with Novembers vote, their defeat and subsequent loss of power. Those that appear before Waxman's and other commitees might want to disabuse themselves of those notions and go the Ralston, Goodling et al--Hell--immunity for all!! Gt it while you can!!!-- route. This group of Democrats is ready to get the truth about this Administration and it's camp followers out for all see. Robert 'Novula' Novak has more on the Ralston fallout in the Washingto Post.
Robert D. Novak - Rove's Worrisome Witness - washingtonpost.com
Thanks for writing this.
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