The Blogosphere Matures
One of the more interesting things established in the November election and the resurgance of the Democrats was the effect the blogosphere had. While treated with scorn by the Beltway Elite of both sorts-- the 'Contented Loser' faction of the Democrats and the pontificating windbags of the media set. Entirely dismissive of this community 'pajama wearing geeks', they are only now realizing the effect the blogosphere has and will continue to have on future elections, belatedly realizing that this medium can scupper a campaign faster than you can say ' Macaca'. Blogosphere support most certainly had an effect on a number of the races---because the candidates had early online support that worked hard to get their message out. While online blogosphere support may not guarantee success you just are not going to win without (OK- maybe in Florida) it. The WaPo takes a look at this in the link below--
On the Electronic Campaign Trail - washingtonpost.com

And here's one reason for blogger clout.
DKos , alone, has doubled in size the last two years. That's a whole lot of blogosphere.
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