The Hundred Hour's-- Done!!!
42 hour's on the clock. Seem's it 's still ticking on the 'Hundred Hour' agenda set by the new leadership in the Congress. It's ticking because somehow the 110th Congress managed to get more done in 42 hour's than the 109th did in two years. And without a single flag burning piece of legislation.
This a huge victory for the Democrat's in that they have proved both that goverment can work ( after Hastert's quagmire of non productiveness that wasn't the hard part ) and that Democrat's can govern. As well it firmly send's the message about who is in charge now. There are further benefits. This example will bode well for reference in the '08 election cycle--that there is someone who will be able to sort out the shambles that will be left for GW's successor. And that should go a long way to convince the electorate the answers are not, and will not be provided by the GOP.
The Hundred Hour's have proved there can be change for the better. Below is a link for someone who is much more qualified to adress this.,
Speaker of the House Pelosi.
The Blog Speaker Nancy Pelosi: Progress is Possible Again The Huffington Post
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