Update On Wes Clark

getting in the '08 race appear to be close to hearing what they have been waiting for. As usual Gen Clark has been out and about, speaking on behalf of the Democratic Party. At last weeks Dem gabfest he was given a place on the speakers roster, generally reserved for declared candidates. Looks like it's just a matter of a little more time. Probably a good strategy, rather than
being rushed by the stampede run to grasp the Brass Ring we are seeing , populated by for the most part of would be contentenders in their own minds. Most will find that they never had any sort of realistic base or a chance to grow one, and at least one has already soundbidened himself out of the race. Even if he is the last person to realize it.
Many of the candidates will find that when Clark declares their options for a bigger piece of the electoral pie will diminish. None bring to the electoral table what Clark does. Some have some of the same attributes but none bring an across the board clear background of foriegn policy, national security, experience of Washington but no association with beltway politics, merit based accomplishments and a proven willingness and ability to campaign in a way to reach out to the man in the street. Some of the candidates have some or many of those attributes but none have all.
For a transcript of Gen Clarks speech click on the link below.
WesPAC Securing America
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