Just Some of the Candidates That Deserve Support This November.

In Virginia, up against fading Presidential hopeful 'Macacca'
Allen, former Sec/Navy and Annapolis grad Jim Webb. I urge max support from those that can give it. Sec Webb brings a whole lot of experiance and credibility to the table.

Excellant chance for a pickup.

Of course, the man,who with a lot of on line help,replaced Joe Lieberman on the Democratic Party ticket in Conn, Ned Lamont.

New Yorks 29th District has ' Fightin Dem' Eric Massa, a veteran with a whole lot to offer.
In Penn we have retired Admiral Joe Sestak in a critical race that is looking better for Democrats every day.

These are just a few of what is the strongest field to run for the Democratic Party in years. There will be more on these and others. I urge anyone who wants a change this year,real change,to get out and support these candidates. Regardless of how favorable the polls are right now,and no matter how enfeebled the Bush Administrtation is at the moment electoral victory for these and others will only come through good old fashioned hard campaigning. The Republicants will pull out each and every stop to smear and Swift Boat as many as possible. Only strong support can change this and upset their impending desperation tactics.
These are just a few of the candidates I support this year. there are more and I will profile them in the next little while as well as post news from their campaigns.
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