More Cracks are Starting to Show
For the past few years we have been witness to a political machine that has been known for its ruthlessness and effectiveness. A machine that showed it could win elections almost every time out--but couldn't govern worth crap. The latter never used to matter as campaigns could be won by a variety of methods--disinformation--fear--and of course smear. Governance came very much second. After all, who was paying attention? Hell, hardly anyone voted! And it worked. Well.
Problem was that after a while problems started to appear. Certain individuals had to pose for mugshots, get fingerprinted and some actually went to jail. Certain problems wouldn't go away, like a war, an unrebuilt city, fuel prices--stuff like that. Problems led to some cracks in the foundation as congresscritters scurried off to their districts and found there was a whole lotta shit in their in boxes. Like a two ton gorilla called a pissed off electorate. All of a sudden certain goopers where reluctant to be seen in public with their Main Man, GW (no invitation for this years pancake breakfast Mr President. It may rain). That was a big starting crack. Then others grew a spinal disc and began to question certain aspect of chimpys wiretapping fubar. Somehow there was no confirmation for UN ambssador John Bolton. And now the biggest crack so far Karl (turdblossem) Rove and his Dar

The latest crack to appear is Colin Powells statements today, lining up with Sen McCain on the torture issue. I think that Powell is severly pissed at his treatment at the hands of the Cheniest cabal and has been biding his time. He went very quietly, all things considered, at the time, but I think it was just to regroup and grab the high ground. He is prepared to open his offensive at the opportune time. Today's statement was just the adjusting rounds on the target. More to follow very soon. Timed, I am sure,to have the maximum effect with positioning for the future kept in mind. After all, someone is going to have to clean up the mess the GOP may well be in shortly and be around for '08. McCain won't run, Allen is just about done and Frist is actually considered (please,please, bring on kitten killer). Leaves a lot of room for a former Sec State with relativley (as these things go) clean hands.
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