A site for and about the Democratic Party and it's politics (in the spirit of DKos-- I'm an unapolegetic Kossack myself) with the objective of helping to elect as many Democrats as possible in both this year and '08. For and about includes history and how we got here so we can figure out the road map out. And that covers a lot of ground. Add your two cent's worth. No refunds.Be advised this is very much a pro Wes Clark site.
About Me
- Name: eastvan
A whole lotta years in the military (Redleg),with a family background that shows an unhealthy bent for all things political(genetic defect). Wife and self owned by cat.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
scandal that has with ever increasing momentum become a
veritable fire hose of shame and malfeasance. A litany of both
greed and sordid behaviour. Too long to list here, and quite
likely a mere precurser to an electoral deluge of defeated GOP
hopefuls. If there is any justice in the political sphere these people will get the long overdue benching they have earned. Already in the wake
of Larry Craigs indescretions the Republican leadership has turned on itself
in an effort to minimize the fallout. They could perhaps get themselves a new website
to explain themselves. I can even suggest a title--As The Toilet Swirls.
A Scandal-Scarred G.O.P. Asks, ‘What Next?’ - New York Times
A Scandal-Scarred G.O.P. Asks, ‘What Next?’ - New York Times

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Breaking News!!! GOP Corruption! Shocked And Appalled!
Shocking as it may appears it appears that there is a hint of scandal brewing that concerns the GOP. Normally known as a squeeky clean organization it does seem rather hard to envision. Nonetheless, it seems some of the sheep have strayed off the path of the straight and narrow. Surprisingly the malfeasance seems to center around public funds. This in spite of well known laws that are in place to prevent such activities. I am sure that the RNC will no doubt work overtime in an attempt to root out such activities so that the party is spared any hint of anything less than being totally honest and straightforward with the public whose support they so richly deserve.
In due course we will no doubt see a press conference announcing that this has been resolved to the satisfaction of all concerned.
I have it on good information from my sources that AG Alberto Gonzalez will soon be able to say that this issue has been put to rest and that the public can rest assured that there is nothing to see here. I eagerly await that day.

More Rats Leaving...

positions they were so willing to take when times were good. Now
that the Bush Ship of State is firmly mired on the rocks there seems to be a parade of critters making their escape down the hawsers of the ruined vessel.

AFL-CIO Speaks Out On Utah Mine
The ongoing mine disaster in Utah has once again outlined the abject failure of the Republican Party and it's failing Administration to protect the rights and safety of workers in America. When they are not eagerly making the export of jobs easier they are busy undermining standards that protect workers against the over active greed glands of such types as Robert Murray, the owner of the latest disaster site. A man whose flouting of safety regulations is as well documented as his contributions to the Republican Party is surely set to recieve what he so richly deserves --- crippling law suits and, if their is any justice, homicide charges. I wonder how many of the GOP wannabes will be eager to accept his donations this election cycle. Of course, if he has any fiscal sense he may wish to curtail the donations and use the funds he has gained from worker exploitation to build a defence fund. He will need it. More below...
Friday, August 17, 2007
As the Bush Ship of State continues to sink Lead Rat Karl Rove jumped overboard, leaving Cap'n Bush alone on the bridge with little or no navigational guidance. Not that a ship so thoroughly enmired on the rocks as this one could be rescued by mere navigation. It seems Rove has seen the writing on the wall and submitted his resignation. No doubt, as the subject and participant of many an inquiry and investigation, he expects a blanket pardon as he distances himself from the shattered ruins of an Administration berift of any solid policyor accomplishment so far from the deluded visions of the permanent GOP majority he envisioned. Now a pariah, it is doubtful that any ofthe feeble Republican wannabes will be willing to have their windmilltilting campaigns associated in any way with the so called master strategist. Master smarm artist is likely a more appropriate title for this political vampire. His tactics have always been of attack and smear, diminishing the political spectrum in many a harmful way. He will not be missed. Except by the man he served so loyally. The man who fondly referred to him as Turdblossom, GW Bush, an appropriate moniker for a strategist who so wallowed in manure. His departure will hurt Bush as much as help him. Rove joins a growing exodus of rats swimming away in a vain attempt to avoid accountability. This growing litter of rodents was joined by White House spokesman Tony Snow who announced he too is done. Probably from an overdose of untruth.
As is this entire Administration. More below....
It's getting tough to be a hairball
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
Sunday, August 05, 2007

Summer Recess has begun. Amidst much acrimony and Republican obstructionism. In danger of being lost in all the brouhaha is how much this Congress has acheived in it's short life thus far. Much more than its predessor -- of course that it hard. One might easily overlook that those acheivements came in the face of an Administration unable to grasp that a vote took place in November -- and they lost-- and that it's Iraq policy is two IED's short of a debacle. The next session should be no less acrimonious, with spending bills and the shadow of impeachable Alberto Gonzalez blocking any sunlight on the Justice front. September should bring real acheivement in the face of a diminishing Administration and continued poor numbers for the GOP across the board. And a legacy for GW Bush-- the war losin' and veto weildin' President.

Wes Clark At YKos

For a summationof Wes Clarks speech at YKos go to WesPac below. but don't expect to find anything on the appearance of a misguided troopie who showed up in uniform -- in defiance of the UCMJ. Told of his impropriety by the General the not so bright Sergeant took the opportunity to upbraid Gen Clark. Bad idea. The RW noise machine has attempted to make much ado of this nothing. I hope his chain of command does as well.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
One of the hidden costs of the heavy demands on an overstretched military is the impact on the lives of thoe who are, for the most part, carrying the burden of the war, reservist's. Many are finding a problem upon their return --- loss of their civilian employment. In spite of protection measures in place far too many are affected by this issue. In fact it is an issue I am personally aquainted with. Not from recent experience, but I did experience the loss of a job I had held for fourteen years due to my service in the Reserves. I was lucky and had a good union which came to bat for me and ultimatly won a good settlement. However, the deck is stacked against the service man or woman who encounters the same problem. It does not please those pushing the WhiteHouse line to admit this is a problem --not exactly a good recruiting image. Because of administrative roadblocks fewer than thirty per cent of cases are ever reported. This is wrong. These are the last people who should be exposed to this sort of dicrimination -- one that, in fact, is socio-racial nuetral. Like the Walter Reed scandels it points to once again to a system and managment that is poorly prepared, or willfully ignorant, to accept the consequences of an ill conceived adventure. The solution to this may be as simple as firing a few thousand yellow elephant Young Republicans. There is a good pool of more qualified people. And deserving of a better deal. And part of the solution may be to make public the names of any company that fires a Reservist for doing their job.

One of the hidden costs of the heavy demands on an overstretched military is the impact on the lives of thoe who are, for the most part, carrying the burden of the war, reservist's. Many are finding a problem upon their return --- loss of their civilian employment. In spite of protection measures in place far too many are affected by this issue. In fact it is an issue I am personally aquainted with. Not from recent experience, but I did experience the loss of a job I had held for fourteen years due to my service in the Reserves. I was lucky and had a good union which came to bat for me and ultimatly won a good settlement. However, the deck is stacked against the service man or woman who encounters the same problem. It does not please those pushing the WhiteHouse line to admit this is a problem --not exactly a good recruiting image. Because of administrative roadblocks fewer than thirty per cent of cases are ever reported. This is wrong. These are the last people who should be exposed to this sort of dicrimination -- one that, in fact, is socio-racial nuetral. Like the Walter Reed scandels it points to once again to a system and managment that is poorly prepared, or willfully ignorant, to accept the consequences of an ill conceived adventure. The solution to this may be as simple as firing a few thousand yellow elephant Young Republicans. There is a good pool of more qualified people. And deserving of a better deal. And part of the solution may be to make public the names of any company that fires a Reservist for doing their job.

YKos Begins

Year 2 of Ykos has begun in Chicago. And the strength of the netroots community is demonstrated with the presence of most of the current Democratic Party Presidential hopefuls attending todays online forum. For a good summation see below..
The Fix -- Chris Cillizza's Politics Blog on