Breaking News!!! GOP Corruption! Shocked And Appalled!
Shocking as it may appears it appears that there is a hint of scandal brewing that concerns the GOP. Normally known as a squeeky clean organization it does seem rather hard to envision. Nonetheless, it seems some of the sheep have strayed off the path of the straight and narrow. Surprisingly the malfeasance seems to center around public funds. This in spite of well known laws that are in place to prevent such activities. I am sure that the RNC will no doubt work overtime in an attempt to root out such activities so that the party is spared any hint of anything less than being totally honest and straightforward with the public whose support they so richly deserve.
In due course we will no doubt see a press conference announcing that this has been resolved to the satisfaction of all concerned.
I have it on good information from my sources that AG Alberto Gonzalez will soon be able to say that this issue has been put to rest and that the public can rest assured that there is nothing to see here. I eagerly await that day.

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