AFL-CIO Speaks Out On Utah Mine
The ongoing mine disaster in Utah has once again outlined the abject failure of the Republican Party and it's failing Administration to protect the rights and safety of workers in America. When they are not eagerly making the export of jobs easier they are busy undermining standards that protect workers against the over active greed glands of such types as Robert Murray, the owner of the latest disaster site. A man whose flouting of safety regulations is as well documented as his contributions to the Republican Party is surely set to recieve what he so richly deserves --- crippling law suits and, if their is any justice, homicide charges. I wonder how many of the GOP wannabes will be eager to accept his donations this election cycle. Of course, if he has any fiscal sense he may wish to curtail the donations and use the funds he has gained from worker exploitation to build a defence fund. He will need it. More below...
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