One of the hidden costs of the heavy demands on an overstretched military is the impact on the lives of thoe who are, for the most part, carrying the burden of the war, reservist's. Many are finding a problem upon their return --- loss of their civilian employment. In spite of protection measures in place far too many are affected by this issue. In fact it is an issue I am personally aquainted with. Not from recent experience, but I did experience the loss of a job I had held for fourteen years due to my service in the Reserves. I was lucky and had a good union which came to bat for me and ultimatly won a good settlement. However, the deck is stacked against the service man or woman who encounters the same problem. It does not please those pushing the WhiteHouse line to admit this is a problem --not exactly a good recruiting image. Because of administrative roadblocks fewer than thirty per cent of cases are ever reported. This is wrong. These are the last people who should be exposed to this sort of dicrimination -- one that, in fact, is socio-racial nuetral. Like the Walter Reed scandels it points to once again to a system and managment that is poorly prepared, or willfully ignorant, to accept the consequences of an ill conceived adventure. The solution to this may be as simple as firing a few thousand yellow elephant Young Republicans. There is a good pool of more qualified people. And deserving of a better deal. And part of the solution may be to make public the names of any company that fires a Reservist for doing their job.

One of the hidden costs of the heavy demands on an overstretched military is the impact on the lives of thoe who are, for the most part, carrying the burden of the war, reservist's. Many are finding a problem upon their return --- loss of their civilian employment. In spite of protection measures in place far too many are affected by this issue. In fact it is an issue I am personally aquainted with. Not from recent experience, but I did experience the loss of a job I had held for fourteen years due to my service in the Reserves. I was lucky and had a good union which came to bat for me and ultimatly won a good settlement. However, the deck is stacked against the service man or woman who encounters the same problem. It does not please those pushing the WhiteHouse line to admit this is a problem --not exactly a good recruiting image. Because of administrative roadblocks fewer than thirty per cent of cases are ever reported. This is wrong. These are the last people who should be exposed to this sort of dicrimination -- one that, in fact, is socio-racial nuetral. Like the Walter Reed scandels it points to once again to a system and managment that is poorly prepared, or willfully ignorant, to accept the consequences of an ill conceived adventure. The solution to this may be as simple as firing a few thousand yellow elephant Young Republicans. There is a good pool of more qualified people. And deserving of a better deal. And part of the solution may be to make public the names of any company that fires a Reservist for doing their job.
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