A Kossack Speaks Out -- In A Really Big Forum!

Todays radio address for the Democratic Party was delivered by a Kossack. Brandon Friedman, who posts at DKos under the nom d' plume Angry Rakkasan, and is active at votevets
was the choice to deliver the response to the President's Saturday blather. AR didn't disapoint, making a succinct and eloquent appearance. Highly recommended. Just
follow the link.
A bunch of pyjama wearin', cheeto eatin' social retards living in their mothers basement, as the MSM portray's the blogsphere and it's denizens - a portrayal proven more erronious, every day and very issue - seem to be ever more front and center.
AngryRakkasan-- A genuine 'Heck 'uva job '
to you.
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