More Proof The GOP Does Not Support The Troops
As if it were erquired the GOP Senate leadership has once again demonstrated that they only pay lip service to the troops. If there isn't a photo-op to be had, they just ain't interested. The same group whose leadership were front and foremost in the deferment game and thus avoided service altogether, whose deep understanding of military strategy has led to a military quagmire, whose clear understanding of military ethos has led to numerous violations of that ethos have once again demonstrated they have no idea as to what it means to be a soldier in time of war. By refusing to support Senator Jim Webbs S 2012 they have turned their back on any claim to supporting, or even giving a rats ass about the fate of soldiers or their families. The bill, introduced as an ammendment, would have mandated longer time frames between deployments, something it is badly needed, what with some troops looking at a fourth

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