The Justice Of Hypocrisy Exposed
And so appears, to the actual surprise of few, that yet another

GOP morality crusader has run afoul of his own vice. Senator
Vitter (Rep La) has had his name surface in the so called DC
Madame's case. The good Senators rise, which had been rapid and built on vitriolic condemnations of others behaviour-- alleged or otherwise seems to have come to a shuddering halt. Other than theusual mealy mouthed statement offered at such times, Vitter has unavailable for comment - and has missed several key votes
in the Senate. according to a source at DKos he has been holed up in a hospital in Louisiana, likely undergoing the usual ' therapy ' these guys all seem to run to these situations. Hope so.
Seems he has an unusual fixation on diapers. However, it's going to take more than rehab - or
even a massive diaper change to help this crowd GOP bed shitters. Personally, I have no sympathy. I rather like the masthead of the Aspen Daily News -" If You Don't Want It Published - Don't Do It ". A lesson the fundies could take to heart. And untill they do, they shouldn't be surprised at what comes out in these days of wall to wall coverage.
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