A site for and about the Democratic Party and it's politics (in the spirit of DKos-- I'm an unapolegetic Kossack myself) with the objective of helping to elect as many Democrats as possible in both this year and '08. For and about includes history and how we got here so we can figure out the road map out. And that covers a lot of ground. Add your two cent's worth. No refunds.Be advised this is very much a pro Wes Clark site.
About Me
- Name: eastvan
A whole lotta years in the military (Redleg),with a family background that shows an unhealthy bent for all things political(genetic defect). Wife and self owned by cat.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Diminished Expectations
As opposed to Great Expectations. It appears that the light is slowly starting to dawn on the GOP braintrust that they are about as popular as a monkey with fleas. And that the '06 mid terms were just adjusting rounds before a Fire For Effect electoral barrage of bad news. Some now realize they face a long time in the Political Wilderness. perhaps years before they gain control of either House. Bummer. Sucks to be them. Couldn't happen to nicer bunch.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

GOP Confusion
The GOP race for who will lose to the Democratic Party nominee took an interesting turn recently. Fresh on the heels of the McCain Meltdown we have the story of another campaign
in trouble.
Thompson’s Race Hasn’t Quite Begun, but Turmoil Has - New York Times
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Condi Gonedi ?
Maybe not. Knowing this administration, probably not. But she may as well be. Her list of accomplishments garnered over her years as SecState are minimal.i n fact, it may not be unfair to ask "is there even one? -- even a small one?" Regretably, no. No, there isn't. Nary a one. And that, would suggest, with relations in even her chosen field, Russia, deteriorating it might be time for Condi to be Gonedi. Read more.....

What's Happening?
The campaign for '08 grinds on. And there have been casualties. The earliest ever start to a campaign is beginning, to the surprise of virtually none, to begin to exact a toll. On the GOP side Jim Gilmour is gone and John McCain has taken some pretty bad damage. While I'm not, at this point, counting him out, the Straight Talk Express has gone right into the ditch. We shall see if he can recover from a hole that is the result of mostly his own digging. For the Democratic Party HRC had a good week, but there really hasn't been a lot of movement. To check in on the campaigns for this week, follow the link.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007

A Kossack Speaks Out -- In A Really Big Forum!

Todays radio address for the Democratic Party was delivered by a Kossack. Brandon Friedman, who posts at DKos under the nom d' plume Angry Rakkasan, and is active at votevets
was the choice to deliver the response to the President's Saturday blather. AR didn't disapoint, making a succinct and eloquent appearance. Highly recommended. Just
follow the link.
A bunch of pyjama wearin', cheeto eatin' social retards living in their mothers basement, as the MSM portray's the blogsphere and it's denizens - a portrayal proven more erronious, every day and very issue - seem to be ever more front and center.
AngryRakkasan-- A genuine 'Heck 'uva job '
to you.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

More Proof The GOP Does Not Support The Troops
As if it were erquired the GOP Senate leadership has once again demonstrated that they only pay lip service to the troops. If there isn't a photo-op to be had, they just ain't interested. The same group whose leadership were front and foremost in the deferment game and thus avoided service altogether, whose deep understanding of military strategy has led to a military quagmire, whose clear understanding of military ethos has led to numerous violations of that ethos have once again demonstrated they have no idea as to what it means to be a soldier in time of war. By refusing to support Senator Jim Webbs S 2012 they have turned their back on any claim to supporting, or even giving a rats ass about the fate of soldiers or their families. The bill, introduced as an ammendment, would have mandated longer time frames between deployments, something it is badly needed, what with some troops looking at a fourth

More Below

The Justice Of Hypocrisy Exposed
And so appears, to the actual surprise of few, that yet another

GOP morality crusader has run afoul of his own vice. Senator
Vitter (Rep La) has had his name surface in the so called DC
Madame's case. The good Senators rise, which had been rapid and built on vitriolic condemnations of others behaviour-- alleged or otherwise seems to have come to a shuddering halt. Other than theusual mealy mouthed statement offered at such times, Vitter has unavailable for comment - and has missed several key votes
in the Senate. according to a source at DKos he has been holed up in a hospital in Louisiana, likely undergoing the usual ' therapy ' these guys all seem to run to these situations. Hope so.
Seems he has an unusual fixation on diapers. However, it's going to take more than rehab - or
even a massive diaper change to help this crowd GOP bed shitters. Personally, I have no sympathy. I rather like the masthead of the Aspen Daily News -" If You Don't Want It Published - Don't Do It ". A lesson the fundies could take to heart. And untill they do, they shouldn't be surprised at what comes out in these days of wall to wall coverage.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

How The Bush Administration Dropped The Afghan Ball
There is a good op-ed in the NY Times relating how the current difficulties in Afghanistan can be laid fully at the Bush Administrations door. It has become the fashion in some quarters to blame NATO for an alleged inability to come to grips with the conflict. This is a patent falsehood as the article below shows.

The Problem The Senate Runners Have
And so the problem of having so many Presidential wannabes from the Senate comes to fore. On the day of voting on the Webb Ammendment it seems two of the 'frontrunners' have more important business to attend to--- campaigning for the Iowa Caucauses, being held oh so soon, rather than being in the Senate where they are needed. Given that this ammendment will face Republican and Lieberman obtsructioinism it seems to me they have forgotten what voters loudly declared in November. More than ever it is time for Wes Clark and/or Al Gore to get in this race and send these Senator's scurrying back to the job they were elected to do.
From the NY Times
Monday, July 09, 2007

Rove Makes No Apologies--Neither Did Rasputin

Interesting story in the Aspen Daily News about the shadow behind the
throne, Karl Rove. He makes, as if he he is responsible for policy- actually
perhaps he is- no apologies for the Iraq debacle. Often citing statistics at
odds with others he claims to be in, it seems, a battle to save civilization,

is the comment made by his friend Charlie Grandy,
comparing Rove to Grigory Rasputin, an advisor to
the Imperial Court of Czar Nicholas (actually, Grandy is incorrect as Rasputin was more of an advisor to the Czarina Alexandra). Grandy might
want to be more circumspect in his analogies. After

didn't turn out well for the Romanov dynasty. As,
likely, it will for the Bush dynasty. After all, if they
get confused with history, I shudder to think of how
they deal with the present. Oh yeah. Nevermind.
Sunday, July 08, 2007

So Many Campaigns, So Early, So Few Dollars
And so it comes out that the Edwards campaign seems to have come up short on the dollar front. This at a time when Barak Obama has been hauling in record sums for a Democratic Party candidate. Tale of two campaigns? Not really. more of a tale of how this whole run for the nomination will unfold. One that has had the earliest start ever and is a very crowded field. While Edwards money problems shouldn't be a surprise, Obama will likely find that his fiscal good fortune may well keep him in the race but each are going to have the same result. Neither
candidate is likely to be able to grow from their core support. Whatever it's strength and loyalty growth is not to be had. The same applies to the frontrunner, HRC. In fact she is the most glaring example of the problem facing the Democratic seekers. A strong base, but a divisive candidate-- and one, her detractors claim, is a unifying rally point for the GOP. That pretty much means that while her support is strong she cannot convince those who
aren't with her now

to come across and change their support for her.
A stalemate in support exists. One that all the Donkey kissing in the worldwon't change. Which suggests that perhaps the eventual winner of this race isn't even in it yet.
This race needs a candidate that can break the deadlock that exists. Fortunately there are a couple waiting in the wings. Both Wes Clark and Al Gore posess the ability to pry support from other camps. Either, or both, are needed in this race. Soon.

I Always Wondered About This One ( Or Not Always All Politics All the Time)
There is a book coming coming out soon that will shed new light on an event that happened a long time ago. An event that always had a bit of a suspicous tint to it. I never really bought
into the explanation offered on he death of rock icon Jim Morrison and apparently my
naturally suspicous nature is vindicated on this one.

Cool Cat Doors Fan
Saturday, July 07, 2007

The Edifice Cracks
There are growing signs of the extent of the disconnect between the Administration and the rest of the country. More GOP Senators are now attempting to distance themselves from their leader and his conduct of the Iraq quagmire. While they are nowhere close to marching from Capitol Hill, as did Republican leadership during the Nixon impeachment crisis, or even to supporting Democratic attempts to resolve the situation, it is apparent that the news thy are getting from their respective home fronts has to be disconcerting. The LA Times has the details.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Soft Landing
Lost in the outrage over Scooter Libby's evasion of justice is the news that another of the cabal who designed and mismanaged the Iraq debacle has also had a soft landing. Paul Wolfowitz, on the same day his heave ho from the World Bank took effect parked his over compensated butt behind a new desk at a prominant think tank. No doubt well paid to continue his misadvice.
These cats do look out for each other.

He Did It All By Himself
While the outrage over Scooter's get out of jail card mounts
an interesting tidbit has emerged from all the naus. It was chimpy's

an interesting tidbit has emerged from all the naus. It was chimpy's
call to flip the bird to the concept of justice. Left unattended by his
handlers, he shunned advice and made this call all by himself. And
handlers, he shunned advice and made this call all by himself. And
cemented the idea that this Administration has no clue to the concept of 'Liberty and Justice for all'. But then we all knew that.
Monday, July 02, 2007

The Expected Outrage Has Occured

To the surprise of none President Bush has commuted the sentence of convicted felon and borderline traitor Scooter Libby. It is just another example of the low moral fibre of the Cheney/Bush Administration. With many of their cronies and underlings either awaiting trial or, in fact, serving prison sentences for a myriad of corruption charges this was amongst the worst of their malfeasance. Because, for once, it wasn't sex or money. It was National Security being sold out for political gain--or to be more precise political ass covering in the wake of purile attempts to justify a false pretense for going to war. It is interesting to note, that, in the form of Chimpy's commutation, he left intact the fine and other censures against Libby, leaving the
impression of protecting a crony. Untill such time as he can give him a full pardon. Wait for it.
More in the link above

Wes Clark In The NY Times
Wes Clark has an interview this weekend in the NY Times. I strongly recommend it as worthwhile reading. On a day that features the commuting of convicted felon Scooter Libby by his crony GW Bush it would serve as a reminder that, yes, there are people out there worthy of public office--- far more than many of those currently holding them. Link here.
Sunday, July 01, 2007

Reports From The Bunker

Doesn't Get It
Mired in miserable numbers, his Immigration Bill to all intents
and purposes dead, mired in a war the Nation clearly wants over,
it seems President Bush has been holed up in Fortress White House
receiving a series of late night visitors bearing advice and news from
the front. Bush has been plying them with questions as to what he can do to salvage some sort of legacy, given that his agenda is so shredded. GW knows that without some sort of acheivment on a
large scale his legacy is sure to be the debacle in Iraq. And that is
only fair. This was, from the start, a Cheney/Bush driven adventure.
Whatever their motivations the record is clear that their cabal
created a situation that of their own making. It is this administrations Legacy.

Chimpy On The Rocks
No, it's not a new drink. But it is a perfect metaphorical happenstance. Seems GW did to himself what he has done to the country. Just as he has captained the Ship of State on to the rocks he has managed to perform the same stunt on a smaller scale. At least no one got hurt this time.
Just as chimpy is an anchor around the neck of the below.