
A site for and about the Democratic Party and it's politics (in the spirit of DKos-- I'm an unapolegetic Kossack myself) with the objective of helping to elect as many Democrats as possible in both this year and '08. For and about includes history and how we got here so we can figure out the road map out. And that covers a lot of ground. Add your two cent's worth. No refunds.Be advised this is very much a pro Wes Clark site.


A whole lotta years in the military (Redleg),with a family background that shows an unhealthy bent for all things political(genetic defect). Wife and self owned by cat.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

An Ad I Would Like To See

On 02 Dec there will be a runnoff election to determine who will be win the Senate race in Ga.
Incumbant Saxby Chambliss failed to acheive the 50% majority he required to claim victory.
Chambliss is a particularly osious type. He spends more time on the golf course than he does attending to Senate matters. In 2002, as some may remember, his campaign ran a particularly disgusting ad claiming that triple amputee Viet Nam Vet Max Cleland was somehow soft on National Security. This from a yellowelephantchickenhawk, multiple deferment, service avoider.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander. I have decided to revisit this ad....

Saxby Chambliss used multiple deferment's and a fake injury to avoid service in the military during the Viet Nam War. What was his motive? Perhaps sympathy with the regime of Ho Chi Minh? Perhaps he was directed to do so. Perhaps he had a more important task. But it is clear that on Dec 2nd voters can't trust a Chambliss prescence in the Senate because......

Comrade Saxby Chambliss is soft on Communism. Don't take a chance on Saxby Chambliss and his pro Communism views.....

Detatchment From Reality Continues.....

SC Gov Sanford penned an op ed in Politico today, one of a series of 'whither the GOP' articles I have seen of late. They all seem to share a common theme-- that of completly misreading the results of 04/11/08. Almost all of them allude that the defeat/rout was due to a straying from 'core principles' of less taxes/smaller gov't, and that voters will flock back to the GOP if only they could return to these principles. That voters are inherintly conservative in nature. Perhaps on one or two issues but those that propagate this meme completly ignore several things. Voters rejected those principle because they are rooted in another era that no longer exist's. Which is why the practitioners of said principles couldn't make them work. Because, just maybe, they don't work in an ever shrinking world and global economy. Demographics. The eloctorate has changed -- and will continue to so. GOP 'core principle' such as social conservatism just do not appeal to a new generation. This will not change. Except in a direction tottally unsuited to a party pushing antiquated positions. And rarely do these self appointed White Knights of neoconism admit one reason they lost was the electorate was in tune with a campaign that out hustled the GOP campaign. Beat them in the ground game. Beat them in fund raising. Beat them in an appeal to new voters. Beat them in Party Registration. Beat a fractured, rudderless party like a drum.
Entertaining op ed below......

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lieberman's Big Loss

Much has been made of the behaviour patterns of Joe Lieberman over the last couple of years. A lot of Democratic Party members and supproters are livid with his actions of late. It was bad enough that he chose to support the GOP nominee over that of his party --- even before the Democrat had been chosen. Worse, he activly campaigned for McCain. Worse than that his behaviour and rhetoric were appalling. Joe Lieberman burned a lot of bridges. ( so many he has been asked by Madison County to never come back as they undergo an extensive rebuilding program ).
And yet, he retains his post as head of the Homeland Security Commitee, apparently with the lukewarm support of the President-Elect. Now, why on earth would Barack Obama not want Liebermans head on his desk? Was it the magic 60 vote veto proof majority? That in and of itself may well be a bit of a red herring. Getting 60 Democrats to agree on anything might be a bit of a stretch. With or without Lieberman the Senate Democrats are tantilizingly close. But at the end of the day they would likely need across the aisle supprt ( perhaps the GOP Senators facing reelection in 2010? not wanting to appear 'obstructionist? ) to achieve that goal.
Bob Cesca has an interesting theory. And one, after reading, I am inclined to agree with. Barack Obama has made Joe Lieberman appear very small. Very, very small.
Decide for yourself......

Saturday, November 15, 2008


The New York Times has a great article today about a blue collar town in Pa that has undergone a signifigant change. A solid town, with solid people. The sort of town whose sons filled the ranks of the Army and Marine Corps during Viet Nam. Whether they wanted to or not. A town whose people could reasonably expect a good job. A town that is white. Very white. In fact a post WW2 town whose builder refused to sell to blacks, thus ensuring that many could grow up with only cursury actual knowledge of others, but ripe for engrained bigotry. Not the cross burning type. Worse. The subtle bigotry of ignorance --- by far the worse, not only because it is learned behaviour, but because very few who hold these beliefs would consider themselves to rascist. And , for the most part would fiercly deny it. Unlike Billy Bob from the holler with Confederate Flags on his pick up truck. Heck, BB isn't the problem because he wears it on his sleeve for all to see --- and judge.

This town overwhelmingly voted for Barack Obama. They voted their economic interest, not their views. And that is a good start and a harbinger of changing attitude. There is no point trying to change Billy Bob Redneck. But there is hope that a new generation of children in Levittown will grow up and wonder what the fuss was all about. Good stuff and good for all.

One small caveat here --- amongst the many hats I wear in the Military is being an instructer in a relativly new program intended to express the importance of living with, and accepting a diverse environment. I fully intend to incorperate the article below in my lesson package.

Learn more here......

The Nation - The Transformation of Levittown -

Sunday, November 09, 2008

A View Of The GOP Campaign

Great piece here from the New Yorker on the
McCain campaign. And the ticket itself.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

MoDo's View

The first of a series of election wrap ups.....
Been a pretty long run hasn't it? For most of us it is pretty hard to absorb. After all, a lot of us have
been pretty obbsesive/cumpulsive about the political situation the last few years, and what to do in the immediate aftermath of a sudden cessation of hostilities is a bit of a question for a lot of us out here in the political blogoverse. I got lucky myself. I had booked off Wednesday to, in fact, begin my political 12 step program but I found out I was scheduled for a range shoot for annual requal's. Turned out to be just what the doctor ordered. A beautiful sunny day, putting rounds down range. Just perfect.
And now, back to business. A lot still going on. For example, I got back from the range and found out we had picked up the Oregon Senate seat. This one ain't over. Today, North Carolina was picked up for Obama. Yep, that North Carolina. Heart of the Confederacy. Reconstruction only took a hundred and forty odd years, but it seems to be here.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Obama Wins!!!!!!

By a count of 15 to 6. It's all over folks. Dixville Notch has spoken. 100%
of polls reporting- because everyone in that location votes. The first poll comes in.....

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Still Need A Reason To Hope The GOP Loses?
Here are just a few reasons...... as if anyone needed reminding.,,,,, But just in case.

An Important Voice Lost

Yesterday was a sad day for many with the news that Studs Terkel
had passed on at the young age of 96. His many works are still with
us. Works that enabled us to see and understand that there is no
such thing as the common man. He gave voice to 'ordinary' men and woman who lived extradordinary lives. But whose quiet, modest pride would never allow them to boast of their achievments and struggles. Works like Division Street, Working, and my own personal favorite, the Pulitzer winning ' The Good War' gave voice to these people. Studs may be gone but his work is there for all. If you havn't read them, I urge you to do so. If you have --- maybe it's time for a revisit. I am. It's a great shame that Studs couldn't have held on for a few more days. Untill Tuesday. But I think he left knowing that, at last, finally, the country was on a path to change. A change orchestrated and driven, and to the benefit of 'his people'. If you havn't voted yet, think of Studs when you cast your ballot. And smile at the thought of him booting Joe McCarthy and Richard Nixon firmly in the ass as he he passes through Purgatory on a swift ride to a place they will never get to!

The NY Times obit is below......

Studs Terkel, Listener to Americans, Dies at 96 - Obituary (Obit) -