On 02 Dec there will be a runnoff election to determine who will be win the Senate race in Ga.
Incumbant Saxby Chambliss failed to acheive the 50% majority he required to claim victory.
Chambliss is a particularly osious type. He spends more time on the golf course than he does attending to Senate matters. In 2002, as some may remember, his campaign ran a particularly disgusting ad claiming that triple amputee Viet Nam Vet Max Cleland was somehow soft on National Security. This from a yellowelephantchickenhawk, multiple deferment, service avoider.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander. I have decided to revisit this ad....
Saxby Chambliss used multiple deferment's and a fake injury to avoid service in the military during the Viet Nam War. What was his motive? Perhaps sympathy with the regime of Ho Chi Minh? Perhaps he was directed to do so. Perhaps he had a more important task. But it is clear that on Dec 2nd voters can't trust a Chambliss prescence in the Senate because......

Comrade Saxby Chambliss is soft on Communism. Don't take a chance on Saxby Chambliss and his pro Communism views.....