Lieberman's Big Loss

Much has been made of the behaviour patterns of Joe Lieberman over the last couple of years. A lot of Democratic Party members and supproters are livid with his actions of late. It was bad enough that he chose to support the GOP nominee over that of his party --- even before the Democrat had been chosen. Worse, he activly campaigned for McCain. Worse than that his behaviour and rhetoric were appalling. Joe Lieberman burned a lot of bridges. ( so many he has been asked by Madison County to never come back as they undergo an extensive rebuilding program ).
And yet, he retains his post as head of the Homeland Security Commitee, apparently with the lukewarm support of the President-Elect. Now, why on earth would Barack Obama not want Liebermans head on his desk? Was it the magic 60 vote veto proof majority? That in and of itself may well be a bit of a red herring. Getting 60 Democrats to agree on anything might be a bit of a stretch. With or without Lieberman the Senate Democrats are tantilizingly close. But at the end of the day they would likely need across the aisle supprt ( perhaps the GOP Senators facing reelection in 2010? not wanting to appear 'obstructionist? ) to achieve that goal.
Bob Cesca has an interesting theory. And one, after reading, I am inclined to agree with. Barack Obama has made Joe Lieberman appear very small. Very, very small.
Decide for yourself......
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