Wes Clark went on the air yesterday with some comments -- the same he has said often of late as regards John McCains milking of his military career -truly honorable though it may. Clark merely suggested that being shot down did not, in and of itself, qualify one to President. Clarks points are valid. McCain was a pilot. He did not lead in combat. True fact. He did not make decisions that sent others into harms way. He himself carried out his orders. And is to be commended for that. But that is all he did. There have been howls of indignant rage across the media spectrum today. Most interestingly from those that never served a day in their life. I would love to have these pontificators sit down with a few mud troops and ask THEM if they would have confidence in being led by what we refer to as 'zoomies'. The car magnet troopers might be surprised by the answer. Wes Clark did send soldiers into battle. There is a difference. I back Wes Clark fully in his comments. not the least because some of the loudest howlers have been those who backed the denigration of John Kerry's exemplary record in battle. And emphisised by the addition of one of the main 'Swift Boaters' to the McCain campaign today. A double standard? Not from 'Straight Talk' John. For the veteran's view click below on Jon Soltz of VoteVets article.
A site for and about the Democratic Party and it's politics (in the spirit of DKos-- I'm an unapolegetic Kossack myself) with the objective of helping to elect as many Democrats as possible in both this year and '08. For and about includes history and how we got here so we can figure out the road map out. And that covers a lot of ground. Add your two cent's worth. No refunds.Be advised this is very much a pro Wes Clark site.
About Me
- Name: eastvan
A whole lotta years in the military (Redleg),with a family background that shows an unhealthy bent for all things political(genetic defect). Wife and self owned by cat.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Wes Clark Speaks ...... And Overly Indignant Howls Ensue
Wes Clark went on the air yesterday with some comments -- the same he has said often of late as regards John McCains milking of his military career -truly honorable though it may. Clark merely suggested that being shot down did not, in and of itself, qualify one to President. Clarks points are valid. McCain was a pilot. He did not lead in combat. True fact. He did not make decisions that sent others into harms way. He himself carried out his orders. And is to be commended for that. But that is all he did. There have been howls of indignant rage across the media spectrum today. Most interestingly from those that never served a day in their life. I would love to have these pontificators sit down with a few mud troops and ask THEM if they would have confidence in being led by what we refer to as 'zoomies'. The car magnet troopers might be surprised by the answer. Wes Clark did send soldiers into battle. There is a difference. I back Wes Clark fully in his comments. not the least because some of the loudest howlers have been those who backed the denigration of John Kerry's exemplary record in battle. And emphisised by the addition of one of the main 'Swift Boaters' to the McCain campaign today. A double standard? Not from 'Straight Talk' John. For the veteran's view click below on Jon Soltz of VoteVets article.
Wes Clark went on the air yesterday with some comments -- the same he has said often of late as regards John McCains milking of his military career -truly honorable though it may. Clark merely suggested that being shot down did not, in and of itself, qualify one to President. Clarks points are valid. McCain was a pilot. He did not lead in combat. True fact. He did not make decisions that sent others into harms way. He himself carried out his orders. And is to be commended for that. But that is all he did. There have been howls of indignant rage across the media spectrum today. Most interestingly from those that never served a day in their life. I would love to have these pontificators sit down with a few mud troops and ask THEM if they would have confidence in being led by what we refer to as 'zoomies'. The car magnet troopers might be surprised by the answer. Wes Clark did send soldiers into battle. There is a difference. I back Wes Clark fully in his comments. not the least because some of the loudest howlers have been those who backed the denigration of John Kerry's exemplary record in battle. And emphisised by the addition of one of the main 'Swift Boaters' to the McCain campaign today. A double standard? Not from 'Straight Talk' John. For the veteran's view click below on Jon Soltz of VoteVets article.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Dangerous Elements Contaminating The Military
Much is made of how the cheniest Administration has spraed a culture of corruption throughout many levels the government, as the recently revealed example of hiring practices at the DOJ have illustrated. That is but just one example of the mendacious drive to contaminate almost every aspect and level of Government agency's. There is another. Aided and abbetted by many whose position and responsibilities should dictate a stance of supporting the seperation of State and Church. There are doin's a'transpirin' that have allowed imposters -- in violation of Federal law --- to pass themselves off as an official arm of the Military in order to proselytize their fundy christian mission. It is a tale rife with tales of fake uniforms and fraudulant messages that can only serve to undermine the essential cohesion of the Uniformed Services. The enablers? None other than those most entrusted to ensure that nothing of this sort ever happens. The Inspector Generals of the military. Many have failed in their duty. The whole sorry story is below....
Chris Rodda: Rapture-Ready Evangelicals Impersonate Army Officers -- Bush Administration Gives Organization Members Award - Politics on The Huffington Post
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Mean Jean In Fine Form
Remember Jean Schmidt? From OH 4? Who almost lost to Victoria Wulsin in '06 ( and if there were any justice would have ). The one who called retired Marine Colonel, Congressman Murtha a coward for advocating a withdrawl from the Iraq quagmire ( he of volunteer service in Viet Nam while so many of her compadres in the GOP caucus used every damn deferment they could to avoid service --- just like Republicans do now ). Well, she is back at it. After a merciful few months of blissful silence she has opened her yap yet again. This time with an outragous, factually challenged smear against her opponent in the upcoming election. The object of her slimathon? One Victoria Wulsin, back for another go around with Mean Jean. and if this fallacy is the best she can come up with then I think we can color this one blue. For the full sordid story go to the link from TPM......
Wes Clark Gaining Traction In Veep Stakes
One would have to be in a cave not to realize, now that the nomination is settled, that the media
attention is on who will they pick as a running mate? The GOP choice is easy -- pick a guy that
doesn't doesn't look like the whipped cream on the bowl of jello. On the Democratic Party's side there is a wealth of talent. But one name does keep coming up ( especially in light of a couple of non starters and " please don't include me's " that have come out this week. Wes Clark is definitly gaining some momentum. He had a great appearance on ' Morning Joe' and here is an interview on Huff Po where he hammers Bonzo McChimpy. The audition is going well..... check the link to Huffington Post here....
One would have to be in a cave not to realize, now that the nomination is settled, that the media
attention is on who will they pick as a running mate? The GOP choice is easy -- pick a guy that
doesn't doesn't look like the whipped cream on the bowl of jello. On the Democratic Party's side there is a wealth of talent. But one name does keep coming up ( especially in light of a couple of non starters and " please don't include me's " that have come out this week. Wes Clark is definitly gaining some momentum. He had a great appearance on ' Morning Joe' and here is an interview on Huff Po where he hammers Bonzo McChimpy. The audition is going well..... check the link to Huffington Post here....
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
It's Time For Vice President Clark
The Primaries are over. Well, almost. At this writing Barack Obama needs a whopping four more delgates to win the nomination. Odds are that he'll get them. And at that time the General Election campaign will start. Hey, John McCain just said so ( throwing chimpy under the bus in his speech --- in of course New Orleans --- where better to try to grab some attention on what is the Democratic Party's night. Class Act Bonzo McChimpy is ). And with that start it is time to seriously consider the other half of the ticket. A lot of names are being tossed around. And more will be. But really, it's a no brainer. Almost every sector of the Party has their choice. And don't get me started on the media and their rampant speculation. The MSM has already chosen HRC. Not a good idea if one considers all the factors. And I seriously doubt Obama needs the inherent distractions with such a choice. Yes, the party needs a period of healing and reunification but bringing Hillary aboard won't do it.
Other names mentioned often are Katherine Sebelius of Kansas, a red state governor who probably can't deliver her state. The simple fact is that the vast majority of the electorate has never heard of her. She won't make a differance where a differance needs to be made. Will she ensure Ohio? Pennsylvania? Not likely. Bill Richardson? Not likely. John Edwards? Like him. A lot. But he balance out the ticket where it needs balancing.
That brings us to Wes Clark. OK, I'm biased. I supported Clark in '04 when he ran a better campaign than many gave him credit for. I hoped he would run this year and was crushed when he didn't. But now may be Clarks time. He has campaigned tirelesly on behalf of Democratic candidates for the last few years. His record is clear --- he opposed the Iraq folly from the start. His record on progressive issues is long and good. He is from the South -- something Obama needs, especially in view of his weak proformance in states like West Virginia. He has a resume that would take three other bright, talented acheivers to accomplish. First in his class at West Point. Rhodes Scholer. Wounded in Viet Nam, he went on to a brilliant military career that included command of NATO forces and victory in Kosovo. And that particular posting demanded the strong diplomatic credentials that he brings to the table. There is something else as well.
He is a strong supporter of HRC. He is the one that can go a long way to healing the party. And completly negate any claim John McCain has to being the National Security candidate. Because I, for one trust Wes Clarks judgement far more than Old Johns.
Wes Clark for Vice President. It's a no brainer.
The Carpetbagger Report has this.....
Vice President Clark? - The Carpetbagger Report
The Primaries are over. Well, almost. At this writing Barack Obama needs a whopping four more delgates to win the nomination. Odds are that he'll get them. And at that time the General Election campaign will start. Hey, John McCain just said so ( throwing chimpy under the bus in his speech --- in of course New Orleans --- where better to try to grab some attention on what is the Democratic Party's night. Class Act Bonzo McChimpy is ). And with that start it is time to seriously consider the other half of the ticket. A lot of names are being tossed around. And more will be. But really, it's a no brainer. Almost every sector of the Party has their choice. And don't get me started on the media and their rampant speculation. The MSM has already chosen HRC. Not a good idea if one considers all the factors. And I seriously doubt Obama needs the inherent distractions with such a choice. Yes, the party needs a period of healing and reunification but bringing Hillary aboard won't do it.
Other names mentioned often are Katherine Sebelius of Kansas, a red state governor who probably can't deliver her state. The simple fact is that the vast majority of the electorate has never heard of her. She won't make a differance where a differance needs to be made. Will she ensure Ohio? Pennsylvania? Not likely. Bill Richardson? Not likely. John Edwards? Like him. A lot. But he balance out the ticket where it needs balancing.
That brings us to Wes Clark. OK, I'm biased. I supported Clark in '04 when he ran a better campaign than many gave him credit for. I hoped he would run this year and was crushed when he didn't. But now may be Clarks time. He has campaigned tirelesly on behalf of Democratic candidates for the last few years. His record is clear --- he opposed the Iraq folly from the start. His record on progressive issues is long and good. He is from the South -- something Obama needs, especially in view of his weak proformance in states like West Virginia. He has a resume that would take three other bright, talented acheivers to accomplish. First in his class at West Point. Rhodes Scholer. Wounded in Viet Nam, he went on to a brilliant military career that included command of NATO forces and victory in Kosovo. And that particular posting demanded the strong diplomatic credentials that he brings to the table. There is something else as well.
He is a strong supporter of HRC. He is the one that can go a long way to healing the party. And completly negate any claim John McCain has to being the National Security candidate. Because I, for one trust Wes Clarks judgement far more than Old Johns.
Wes Clark for Vice President. It's a no brainer.
The Carpetbagger Report has this.....
Vice President Clark? - The Carpetbagger Report