Mean Jean In Fine Form

Remember Jean Schmidt? From OH 4? Who almost lost to Victoria Wulsin in '06 ( and if there were any justice would have ). The one who called retired Marine Colonel, Congressman Murtha a coward for advocating a withdrawl from the Iraq quagmire ( he of volunteer service in Viet Nam while so many of her compadres in the GOP caucus used every damn deferment they could to avoid service --- just like Republicans do now ). Well, she is back at it. After a merciful few months of blissful silence she has opened her yap yet again. This time with an outragous, factually challenged smear against her opponent in the upcoming election. The object of her slimathon? One Victoria Wulsin, back for another go around with Mean Jean. and if this fallacy is the best she can come up with then I think we can color this one blue. For the full sordid story go to the link from TPM......
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