And so he was. Smart enough to avoid service. Like so many others. Like the Bush daughters. Like mitten's kittens. Like many a Yellowelephant chickenhawk. But not all children of privilage are of that ilk. Prince Harry was found this week hiding from the paparazzi in beautiful Helmand Province in Afghanistan. When asked about his current circumstances the Prince answered " It may be the most normal I ever get". I so relate to that statement. The Army is the Great Equalizer. And Harry has finally had his chance to be equal. Dirty, tired, scared, and far from home.
A chance he fought very hard for ( and a chance that Matt Sludge wrecked with his ill advised release of the information -- for which he deserves full condemnation ) and so illustrates the difference of the Culture Of Service he was raised in as opposed to the Culture Of Entitlement so many of the GOP's pampered offspring are groomed in. Such a difference. Harry demanded the opportunity to be treated like every other soldier. It was great to see footage of him acting just like a squaddie. Eating crap food and being around his troops. Mitt Romneys kids think working on their Dad's campaign equates to public service. They aren't fit to polish Harry's boots ( and he is just a Second Lieutenent. The lowest form of military life there is! ).
Leadership by example. A stark contrast. Well done sir.
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