A Clinton Coronation That May Turn Into An Abdication
Iowa is not being co-operative towards Hillary Clinton's sense of entitlement. Events are not unfolding as was supposed to happen. The word inevitable was tossed about casually in connection with HRC's campaign for the White House. The only inevitability may well be that someone else may well be collecting Iowa's delegates. And, if todays polls are to be believed, the Granite State's as well. I have long contended that Hillary started the race with a strong base but many a negative. There were strong doubts in some quarters that she may not be able to grow that base and that seems to be the case of late, with her lead melting like a snowball in April. The reasons are many. Her campaign team has made quite a few missteps as had the candidate herself. The heady days of the 'Coronation Era' were before real people ( not blog geeks like me and talking heads on 'The Situation Room' ) started paying attention. And when they did, the numbers changed. And so has the Clinton teams approach. To quote Jack Cafferty--" It's getting ugly out there". For a closer examination check out an article by A.B. Stoddard from The Hill ( and that ain't Hill Clinton!). More on this subject later...... of course.
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