Here's A Troop Who Needs His President's Support
The GOP is loud on the subject of 'Support the Troops'. Their record is somewhat less, from far too many deployments to the absolutly abysmal record of dealing with Veterans issues-the Walter Reed scandal, the lack of support for PTSD, and the obvious lack of pampered Republican offspring in the Military---the list is long.

And now comes an opportunity for the President to do something for
one of the troops. Spec Osvaldo Hernandez is a member of the 82nd
Airborne. Soon to complete his service obligation he will be recieving
an Honorable Discharge shortly after his return from Afghanistan.
Like many a troop Spec Hernandez wishes to persue a career in law enforcement---in the NYPD. But theres a problem. See, Spec Hernandez enlisted the day he was released from Rykers Island after serving a sentance for a third degree felony. He wished to turn his life around, recieved a waiver and promptly proceeded in that quest. He has been a good soldier. He has the respect of his peers and chain of command. But,
the NYPD has a policy of not hiring convicted felons-- no surprise there. Spec Hernandez was convicted of possessing an unregistered handgun--- it was a Class 'D' felony, on a scale of A-E.
Gov Spitzer looked into a pardon-- but under NY law he couldn't give it--Hernandez admitted to the details of the offence, and that disqualified him ( screwy law, but there you have it.). Spec Hernandez made every effort to turn his life around, served honorably and wishes to continue to serve his community. (the starting wage for an NYPD Officer is $25,000--if he wants the job for that chump change give to him!) Spitzer may not be able to help but we all know someone who can. I think a pretty good case for a Presidential Pardon could be made. How about it Mr Bush. It's the least that could be done. There is more to supporting the troops than bumper stickers.
More in the Times below.....
Army Lets a Felon Join Up, but N.Y.P.D. Will Not - New York Times
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