The Primaries are over. Well, almost. At this writing Barack Obama needs a whopping four more delgates to win the nomination. Odds are that he'll get them. And at that time the General Election campaign will start. Hey, John McCain just said so ( throwing chimpy under the bus in his speech --- in of course New Orleans --- where better to try to grab some attention on what is the Democratic Party's night. Class Act Bonzo McChimpy is ). And with that start it is time to seriously consider the other half of the ticket. A lot of names are being tossed around. And more will be. But really, it's a no brainer. Almost every sector of the Party has their choice. And don't get me started on the media and their rampant speculation. The MSM has already chosen HRC. Not a good idea if one considers all the factors. And I seriously doubt Obama needs the inherent distractions with such a choice. Yes, the party needs a period of healing and reunification but bringing Hillary aboard won't do it.
Other names mentioned often are Katherine Sebelius of Kansas, a red state governor who probably can't deliver her state. The simple fact is that the vast majority of the electorate has never heard of her. She won't make a differance where a differance needs to be made. Will she ensure Ohio? Pennsylvania? Not likely. Bill Richardson? Not likely. John Edwards? Like him. A lot. But he balance out the ticket where it needs balancing.
That brings us to Wes Clark. OK, I'm biased. I supported Clark in '04 when he ran a better campaign than many gave him credit for. I hoped he would run this year and was crushed when he didn't. But now may be Clarks time. He has campaigned tirelesly on behalf of Democratic candidates for the last few years. His record is clear --- he opposed the Iraq folly from the start. His record on progressive issues is long and good. He is from the South -- something Obama needs, especially in view of his weak proformance in states like West Virginia. He has a resume that would take three other bright, talented acheivers to accomplish. First in his class at West Point. Rhodes Scholer. Wounded in Viet Nam, he went on to a brilliant military career that included command of NATO forces and victory in Kosovo. And that particular posting demanded the strong diplomatic credentials that he brings to the table. There is something else as well.
He is a strong supporter of HRC. He is the one that can go a long way to healing the party. And completly negate any claim John McCain has to being the National Security candidate. Because I, for one trust Wes Clarks judgement far more than Old Johns.

Wes Clark for Vice President. It's a no brainer.
The Carpetbagger Report has this.....
Vice President Clark? - The Carpetbagger Report
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