
A site for and about the Democratic Party and it's politics (in the spirit of DKos-- I'm an unapolegetic Kossack myself) with the objective of helping to elect as many Democrats as possible in both this year and '08. For and about includes history and how we got here so we can figure out the road map out. And that covers a lot of ground. Add your two cent's worth. No refunds.Be advised this is very much a pro Wes Clark site.


A whole lotta years in the military (Redleg),with a family background that shows an unhealthy bent for all things political(genetic defect). Wife and self owned by cat.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

How Mittens Does Business

Some old, but relevant, stuff pertaining to GOP wanna be Mitt Romney has resently been given a bit of renewed attention. Some may say it is ancient history but when someone aspires to the highest offices then it's certainly fair to examine ALL aspects of their professional life ( to be fair, I think most aspects of a candidates personal life are a different matter--except, maybe, the really juicy over the top stuff-- the stuff that all too often we see the Family Values sect toss our way), especially as it pertains to the treatment of employees and fair business practices. Heres a story of how Mittens, the wealthiest of the GOP hopefuls, conducted business and accrued his fortune.

At Last--A Timetable For Withdrawl!

Finally we have a time table for withdrawl of troops from Iraq. And we all thought Bush was waiting for a Democratic Party President to come along and clean up his mess. How silly of us. Once again he has shown he has a firm grip on the situation in Iraq. Not only that, but a plan. It seems that all it will take to bring stability to the country is a mere fifty year commitmit of U.S. troops. Just like in Korea. Surely that will work.

Once again Chimpy has demonstrated the breathtaking depth of his geo-political knowledge, blithly ignoring only a few small details. Such as, well, last time I checked there weren't daily IED's in Korea. Korea is partitioned-- something Bush has declared is not an option for Iraq. And of course there has only been one U.S. casualty on the DMZ in the last few decades-- an Artillery major and West Point classmate of Wes Clarks from the Class of 1968, brutally assaulted by NK troops in the early '70s. One casualty too many, of course, but a whole lot less than what we see on a monthly basis in the failed Bush occupation. And that makes it a whole lot easier to manage.

I'm not sure what Bush was thinking on this--decide for yourself. Read the article from Rueters in the link below.

Bush envisions U.S. presence in Iraq like S.Korea Politics Reuters

Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Look At The New Generation Of GOP Insurgents

What the world really needed seems to have come about.
I don't think anyone really desired a replacement for aging
and fading harridan Ann Coulter but it seems the Dark Siders have been busy regenerating others in her image.
Their latest piece of work is one young Emily Mitchell, a very active busybody who as certainly earned a lifetime of scrutiny from Democrats. As a tireless organizer of the usual Republican't neo con causes she has well earned further scrutiny as to her activities. This ones a Believer folks. We'll be hearing more from her, just as it's near impossible to ignore her role model. This link is well worth exploring.

Memorial Day

Just some food for thought for this weekend.

My Uncles cemetary Villes aux Bois

Notre Dame de Lorrette 57,800 French Army Graves

Tomb of the Unkown Soldier

An open grave for a recently identified soldier. KIA in 1917, buried April 2007. Not forgotten.

Can't come soon enough.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Daily Kos is Five!

Today marks five years since the blog Daily Kos first appeared on an internet near you. Since it's debut DKos has grown into the single largest political blog on anyones block. It's growth has been phenominal. I first started posting there after the '04 elections and have seen the sight expand from my what used be my high newb UID of 56411 to well over 122,000. During the last five years DKos has been a hive of debate, discussion, political activism, education and accomplishment. I say accomplishment because in recent political contests it has become apparent that the Netroots have made a differance in many a political contest. Indeed, it can be fairly said that DKos has contibuted to the current changed political landscape, assisting in the election of quite a few Democrats. Many from DKos have started their own projects, expanding the availability of intellegent discourse throughout the blogosphere. The maturity of DKos has led to a maturing of the blogosphere as a whole--and it's clout. So lift a glass in celebration and a toast to DKos and it's founder Markos Moulitis Zuniga, whom I share something in common with---service in the Artillery. We Redlegs are an opinionated bunch! Head on over to DKos to see how the are celebrating

Putting fear into Republicans

Friday, May 18, 2007

A Kossack Does Good Work

Tonight in New York- The Barnes and Noble in Greenwich Village to be exact (it is a big city!) Ilona Meagher has a book signing to promote the recent release of Moving a Nation to Care. Ilona has done much to promote awareness and treatment of PTSD, stepping up when the government has failed to so. In the coming years the importance of her and others work will be apparent as it affects so many--not just the soldiers but their families and communities. She will be joined by veterans groups in this worthy endeavor. If you can't make tonight, there are other opportunities. For a list of upcoming events click on the link. Perhaps you find a store near you! And of course she will be at YKos for those lucky enough to attend.

Daily Kos: New Yorkers: Ilona Meagher needs you tonight. Bring opinions.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Closing in on Karl Rove

As promised we are back. And who better to jump start after a hiatus than Karl Rove? It appears the circle is closing in on good 'ole Rovula. Henry Waxman has a few questions to ask of the Manipulator in Chief. About his involvement with all sorts of stuff- pick one- Gonzalez, Abromhof--ah yes Abromoff. It seems that a former member of Roves inner circle

has used the 'I' word. Immunity. This from Susan Ralston, the former gatekeeper to the dank bunker from which Rove directs his minions. Ralston is attempting to obtain immunity before being called before Congressman Waxman's committee. From her stance, this is probably a good idea. Quite a few Republican's have had a bit of dififculty in coming to terms with Novembers vote, their defeat and subsequent loss of power. Those that appear before Waxman's and other commitees might want to disabuse themselves of those notions and go the Ralston, Goodling et al--Hell--immunity for all!! Gt it while you can!!!-- route. This group of Democrats is ready to get the truth about this Administration and it's camp followers out for all see. Robert 'Novula' Novak has more on the Ralston fallout in the Washingto Post.

Robert D. Novak - Rove's Worrisome Witness -

We're Back!!!!!

As you can tell from the last post it's been a while since anythings got done around here. It's not like nothing happened since the last post---- Republican't corruption, incompetance and deceit have abounded in their attempts to thwart or ignore the voters choices last November. Economic mismanegment has carried on. Iraq , well, Iraq- enough said. No, I'm afraid the reason is much more mundane. I could blame it on being pretty busy--- and I have been in four countries since the last post, done this, done that--got the t-shirts to prove it. No it wasn't that-- hell I was able to post at DKos while I was in France. And I certainly have lost any concern for doin's a transpiren'. Far from it. Theres a lot of shit goin' on. We've got a real early Presidential wanna be drama going on. And the nominee hasn't even entered the race yet. We've got an AG about to turn himself into a laughing stock or a felon if not both. Hey lot's goin' on. Nope, taht isn't it.

I couldn't log on. Simple as that. First it was password problems. So I changed that. Didn't work. It was pretty frustating. Then, today, on a brand new laptop, I thought I'd try again. And WTF? Here I am---to stay this time. Another blog voice keeping an eye on things and sharing info.

We're Back!!!!!