At Last--A Timetable For Withdrawl!
Finally we have a time table for withdrawl of troops from Iraq. And we all thought Bush was waiting for a Democratic Party President to come along and clean up his mess. How silly of us. Once again he has shown he has a firm grip on the situation in Iraq. Not only that, but a plan. It seems that all it will take to bring stability to the country is a mere fifty year commitmit of U.S. troops. Just like in Korea. Surely that will work.
Once again Chimpy has demonstrated the breathtaking depth of his geo-political knowledge, blithly ignoring only a few small details. Such as, well, last time I checked there weren't daily IED's in Korea. Korea is partitioned-- something Bush has declared is not an option for Iraq. And of course there has only been one U.S. casualty on the DMZ in the last few decades-- an Artillery major and West Point classmate of Wes Clarks from the Class of 1968, brutally assaulted by NK troops in the early '70s. One casualty too many, of course, but a whole lot less than what we see on a monthly basis in the failed Bush occupation. And that makes it a whole lot easier to manage.
I'm not sure what Bush was thinking on this--decide for yourself. Read the article from Rueters in the link below.
Bush envisions U.S. presence in Iraq like S.Korea Politics Reuters