
A site for and about the Democratic Party and it's politics (in the spirit of DKos-- I'm an unapolegetic Kossack myself) with the objective of helping to elect as many Democrats as possible in both this year and '08. For and about includes history and how we got here so we can figure out the road map out. And that covers a lot of ground. Add your two cent's worth. No refunds.Be advised this is very much a pro Wes Clark site.


A whole lotta years in the military (Redleg),with a family background that shows an unhealthy bent for all things political(genetic defect). Wife and self owned by cat.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Jim Webb Marches Into Washington

Well, surprise, surprise. Senator- elect Jim webb has arrived in town and promptly hurt someones feelings It just so happens that someone was GW Bush. Of course his syncophantic minions in the MSM have raised the hue and cry of horrors, horrors, He's so rude. No he's not. He just demonstrated to that whole rotten bunch that their orgy of uncriticized destruction is coming to an end. He was teaching them a new word. One they have to become familiar with. Accountability. Get used to it. The applecart has been booted over and the Barbarians are at the Gates. Parties over people. And Yellow Elephants like Bush and his gang of incompetants will be called to account. Nora Ephron has some good comments on this below.

Chimpy's response to a discussion

The Blog Nora Ephron: Bad Manners The Huffington Post

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

San Diego Disses Wal Mart

I have a fond spot for San Diego, having had the privilige of spending some duty time there. Great town. A good place to live. And, it seems, a town determined to stay that way. Defying the Mayor, the Council voted against an effort by this Corporate Vampire to invade and disrupt their
local economy and landscape. Well done them. The last thing this eminatly livable city needs is the parasitic influence that would be inflicted by an infestation of a corporate presence that, while depending on a reliance of offshore, cheap products, destroys the host that feeds it with a destruction of small business and a culture of wage serfdom ( while denying employees health benefits, thus offloading people on to the State rolls and getting a real nice subsidy at everyone elses expense. Yours. It's how parisites operate. ). And let's not even get into the tacky, city destroying, Mall culture they create with their urban wasteland architecture. San Diego is way too beautiful a city to ever suffer a Wal Mart fate.

Well done San Diego. Details here-

San Diego to ban Wal-Mart Supercenters - Yahoo! News

Wal Mart Weasel Leaves Town.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Will Clark Run?

A question many are asking, and may well be answered in a CBS/AP piece available at Securing America( link below ). As well Clark urges support for Christine Jennings, running in Fla 13. She's in a recount situation that will be a tough fight as there have been, surprise!!, problems with the voting machines. It's hardly a shocking surprise. After all, the district is currently represented ( untill Jan.) by none other than Katherine Harris, of her own recount infamy. It's an irony we could all do without. WesPac has details if you can give support to what will be a hard fight.

WesPAC Securing America

The Harris Legacy- The recount

Mid- Terms Continue- With Some Less than Good News

Fresh on the heel's of yesterdays Ohio loss in the recount/absentee ballot count comes the news that Democrat Victoria Wulsin has conceded to Mean Jean Schmidt. Wulsin ran a good campaign and it's too bad it didn't work out. But I do think, given the attention to this race, that this is only a temporary setback. One that will change in two years. Thanks to Vic Wulsin for a good run. The full story is here.

Wulsin concedes to Schmidt in Ohio - Yahoo! News

In the meantime the rest of us are stuck with two more years of this.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Clark Talk Over At DKos

Over at DKos there's a good diary posted in answer to those that seem to think ther is a preponderance of 'gushing' Clark dairies and threads. They do have a point. There seem to be a lot them. So I guess it's hard not to notice when one is constantly seeing a lot of on line support for a Clark candidcy. If much of it appears to be of a 'gushing' variety then perhaps the answer to that is to look closer at the Generals views on many
of the issues. Mariawells outlines them well in
the post below. And in a manner that explains why
Wes Clark has many enthusiastic supporters. The online netroots support for Clark is large, and that is one of the required pillars to support a succesful run. More so than ever. The last mid terms proved that.

Daily Kos: Wes Clark and the Issues

Friday, November 24, 2006

Rumsfelds Discharge Pt 2

The fallout from the abrupt dismissal of Donald Rumsfeld has begun and it's pretty radioactive. Many a Republican has blamed Bush for waiting untill after 'Black Tuesday' to fire Rummy, thinking it might of made a difference. If they think that they just don't get it. The damage was done well before. I am, however, sure of one thing. Bush threw his buddy Rumseld to the wolves the day after the election for one reason only. To reduce the coverage of the Democratic Party's success. Very petulant. Very tacky and very obvious. Bush revealing his true colors in his treatment of one of his only allies left in the country (when you are holding firm in the low 30's you really should treat your few friends better ). Apparently this action has caused some concern amongst Republican's ( it's obvious from Rummy's initial response that he was blindsided). For an amusing read Novula has a column on this in the WaPo. His connections ( as we have seen in Plamegate) amongst the GOP rank and file are renown. And that's what makes it a good read. These guys are in serious dissarray and Chimpy is quite likely now the weakest President in recent history.

Robert D. Novak - A Bad Omen in Rumsfeld's Firing -

Chimpy's War----Just a Comma in History

Friday, November 17, 2006

Rumsfelds Discharge

On the impending departure of Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of
Defense the DoD has put out a glowing
post on it's website, listing his many
accomplishments in his six year reign.
For more on this and an interesting list
of a few people that may be following
him out the door check out the link
below. Personally, I think the list is a bit short as the Pentagon has been full of
starry eyed careerist's who deserve an accounting. The next stage of the various messes left by Rumsfeld and his minions will require both leadership and accountability that has not been displayed by them to date. I hope the incoming Sec Def has the vision to
ignore seniority list's, and especially those that have thrived under this regime, and reach out to the new crop of junior, but experienced officers, many of whom have been stifled by the Rumsfeld clique for the leadership
required as Rumsfeld and Bush's war enter's it's next chapter.
Al Kamen - Rumsfeld's Additional Accomplishments -

Speaker Pelosi and the Majority Leader Vote

Jack Murtha loses the race for Majority leader and all of a sudden every suddenly under utilized talking head pontificates that Nancy Pelosi has made her first blunder. As if. Those that think that completly missed what really transpired. Pelosi knew Murtha didn't have the votes. She also knew that, in spite of his yeoman efforts ( Jack Murtha deserves a lot of credit for last Tuesday, as one of the first to grow a set-- and keep them. He spoke up hard and forcefully at a time when many felt intimidated in cowed.) on behalf of the Party of late he was not the one to lead them into the next stage ( I have my own concerns about Hoyer--but more later ) After all, he is 76, albiet an extremly kick ass 76, but still 76. Some ethical smudges in the past - not much different than any 'old congress' types- but there nonetheless. He has other, perhaps in the grand scheme, more important work to do.

But, she also knew something else. She owed him the loyalty of public support. Those that think that Nancy Pelosi could be some sort of left coast pushover are going to sorely disabused of the notion. She learned hardball as a kid, in a hardball political environment. Her dad was an old time political boss in Maryland and she accompanied him as he made his rounds, breaking political kneecaps as required--- coincedentily her aquaintence with Hoyer dates to then ( as if he didn't know what Pelosi was doing---it was all a done deal ). She is hardly politically naive. Nancy Pelosi didn't back a loser. She showed public loyalty to an ally. Because she knows loyalty and commitment are two traits the Democratic leadership are going have to exhibit in the days ahead in order to demonstrate unity. And she was immediatly proven correct when the bleating chorus began their delighted squeals of 'Democratic infighting---see how quick it came!!!!!

Speaker Pelosi took the first few steps towards pointing the Democrat's in the House to the path of unity. Once they are on it they may enjoy the view.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Delayed Mid-Term Wrapup

The votes have been cast, and in most cases counted, the
people have spoken. All that remains is the lengthy autopsies and post mortems to be be conducted. It should keep the talking heads in the MSM busy for months. The importance of this election is hard to overstate and the results are a very good development. Democratic Majority in the House and Senate. A number of important regional victories. A vindication of Howard Dean's '50 State Stragegy'. As well the impact the netroots had on a number of campaigns. And a couple of pretty satisfying victories that pretty much ended the Presidential aspirations of at least a couple of prominent Republican's.
And, finally, this site had it's it's own winners and losers.

In Virginia Jim Webb prevailed over George Allen in what, considering numbers from six months ago, might be considered an upset. Not really. Webb ran a good campaign and Allen, well, Allen ran a campaign that will be studied for many years in PolySci 101 has how to really, really not run a campaign. And completely took himself out of '08 consideration. Jim Webb will be a great Senator.
But he sure as hell will do things his way. And as such will be a better Senator than candidate.
Webb May Be Senate Maverick -

And making his last appearance on donkeysdiass
is soon to be former Senator Conrad Burns. He lost to Jon Tester in Montana.

Rick Santorum is gone. And so is any chance he can run for President.

Tammy Duckworth in Ill 06 lost. But Joe Sestak beat Kurt Weldon in Penn 07 .

Mean Jean Schmidt and Democrat Vic Wulisin are in a recount. But Katherine Harris is down for the count.

And of course, Joe Lieberman beat the Democratic Party candidate Ned Lamont. (More on that later) But, all in all, a great result for Democrats.
And for the netroots who proved that not only can they mobilize to defeat a campaign or a candidate, they can have a strong effect on a winning campaign. In fact, the netroots will be an essential componant of any future winning campaign.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Speaker Pelosi's Cat

That felt good to write- 'Speaker' Pelosi. A very satisfying evening that I will get into more detail later in another post. But, in the meantime, I have something else to offer tonight, in all fairness. The previous post showed a donkey cam of RNC headquarters as the results came in. This one shows Nancy Pelosi's cat after a long night of watching returns. Did I mention that's House Speaker Pelosi? Just in case anyone hadn't figured out who won yet. Or, more important, who lost. Anyhow, this is one happy Democat.

YouTube - Kitty Cat Dance

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Karl Rove Watches The Result's

A specially mounted Donkey Cam has come up with these shots from GOP Headquarters last night. Enjoy.

YouTube - Crazy German Kid

Karl Rove ---Perhaps a Campaign Too Far.

Day of The Donkey

Coming to a Washington near you....

A whole lot of these guys. Time for the Donkeys to

kick a little ass.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Voting Day

there's more

it continues....

In sumation...

If any doubt were to exist that it is time for a change all one has to do is consider these good folk brought to you by GOP corp.