Speaker Pelosi and the Majority Leader Vote
Jack Murtha loses the race for Majority leader and all of a sudden every suddenly under utilized talking head pontificates that Nancy Pelosi has made her first blunder. As if. Those that think that completly missed what really transpired. Pelosi knew Murtha didn't have the votes. She also knew that, in spite of his yeoman efforts ( Jack Murtha deserves a lot of credit for last Tuesday, as one of the first to grow a set-- and keep them. He spoke up hard and forcefully at a time when many felt intimidated in cowed.) on behalf of the Party of late he was not the one to lead them into the next stage ( I have my own concerns about Hoyer--but more later ) After all, he is 76, albiet an extremly kick ass 76, but still 76. Some ethical smudges in the past - not much different than any 'old congress' types- but there nonetheless. He has other, perhaps in the grand scheme, more important work to do.
But, she also knew something else. She owed him the loyalty of public support. Those that think that Nancy Pelosi could be some sort of left coast pushover are going to sorely disabused of the notion. She learned hardball as a kid, in a hardball political environment. Her dad was an old time political boss in Maryland and she accompanied him as he made his rounds, breaking political kneecaps as required--- coincedentily her aquaintence with Hoyer dates to then ( as if he didn't know what Pelosi was doing---it was all a done deal ). She is hardly politically naive. Nancy Pelosi didn't back a loser. She showed public loyalty to an ally. Because she knows loyalty and commitment are two traits the Democratic leadership are going have to exhibit in the days ahead in order to demonstrate unity. And she was immediatly proven correct when the bleating chorus began their delighted squeals of 'Democratic infighting---see how quick it came!!!!!
Speaker Pelosi took the first few steps towards pointing the Democrat's in the House to the path of unity. Once they are on it they may enjoy the view.
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