San Diego Disses Wal Mart
I have a fond spot for San Diego, having had the privilige of spending some duty time there. Great town. A good place to live. And, it seems, a town determined to stay that way. Defying the Mayor, the Council voted against an effort by this Corporate Vampire to invade and disrupt their
local economy and landscape. Well done them. The last thing this eminatly livable city needs is the parasitic influence that would be inflicted by an infestation of a corporate presence that, while depending on a reliance of offshore, cheap products, destroys the host that feeds it with a destruction of small business and a culture of wage serfdom ( while denying employees health benefits, thus offloading people on to the State rolls and getting a real nice subsidy at everyone elses expense. Yours. It's how parisites operate. ). And let's not even get into the tacky, city destroying, Mall culture they create with their urban wasteland architecture. San Diego is way too beautiful a city to ever suffer a Wal Mart fate.
Well done San Diego. Details here-
San Diego to ban Wal-Mart Supercenters - Yahoo! News

Wal Mart Weasel Leaves Town.
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