And so the whining continues. And the behaviour of those who cannot concede defeat, simply because they are too dim to see what has transpired of late. We have HOUSE MINORITY Leader Bonehead having histrionics over the lack of GOP Reps on House commitees. News flash. Thats what happens when you lose. On a consistant basis. Then we have Mitch McConnel blathering on about how Senate Republican's 'represent 50% of the American population'. Oh really? Please have a junior staffer crunch the numbers. Please explain how having 41 of 100 seats gives a figure of 50%. We are all curious to know the source of your 'fuzzy math'. And fresh on the heels of Arlen Spector deciding to be difficult over the Holder AG appointment we have David Vitter casting the only dissenting vote on HRC's nom as SecState. By proxy, of course. He didn't have the parts to do it in person. Now why doesn't that surprise me? Maybe he was getting his diapers changed.
Serious, serious cases of denial. You lost. Losing has consequences. Start dealing with them. Or keep losing. And that is just fine with me. Link below.....
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