Three Quick Reasons The GOP Is In Trouble

We have seen some pretty bad numbers coming out lately for the GOP which are no causing some consternation in Republican't circles. And there are some examples of the behaviour they are leadig to. In the Pennsylvania Senate race we have Rick Santorum,running a good ten points behind Bob Casey throwing his hands up during a debate and asking "What more do want of me?" Don't ask questions you might not like the answer to. Casey refuses to budge off message and it is not looking good for the incumbant. I think we expect some good wingnut behaviour to come from the Santorum camp before this over.
And in the Virginia Senate race, now in a virtual dead heat where there was to be a strong Allen lead, comes this interesting item in the Washington post .com about Allens handlers keeping him on a leash,making sure he is firmly muzzled after public appearances such as
the debate the other night. It seems in order to minimize the damage
Allen's Advisers Try Mute-Button Strategy - washingtonpost.com
the candidate does to himself he will be trotted out like an empty vessel,to speak from a script and only a script and then to stashed out of sight and out of harm. Meanwhile of course Jim Webb meets with the press and makes himself available. What a difference when you have nothing to hide.
Number three? Well,over in Illinois the embattled Speaker Denny the Hut

candidate has done.He has asked GW Bush to come in and campaign for him. The radioactive President every other Republican't goes to great lengths to avoid is a welcome figure at a Hastert rally. I guess when you are truly desperate it really doesn't matter. Hasterts halo with the neo con base has been shook,that we know. When it comes down to having to shore up that vote at perhaps the expense of all others,well,thats a good reason the GOP is in deep trouble.
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