
A site for and about the Democratic Party and it's politics (in the spirit of DKos-- I'm an unapolegetic Kossack myself) with the objective of helping to elect as many Democrats as possible in both this year and '08. For and about includes history and how we got here so we can figure out the road map out. And that covers a lot of ground. Add your two cent's worth. No refunds.Be advised this is very much a pro Wes Clark site.


A whole lotta years in the military (Redleg),with a family background that shows an unhealthy bent for all things political(genetic defect). Wife and self owned by cat.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Time To Lose Some Weight

The time as come to consider the
political health of the country. There
seems to be rampant obesity in the
political systym. Perhaps the incumbant systym is afflicted with
the same extra chin syndrom as the Speaker.

Maybe the best remedy would be to shed some wieght,or should I say deadweight? We know most people like to lose some excess poundage come the spring but the fact is the electoral cycle doesn't favor this. The vote is in November and the chance to ditch the fat is now. The opportunity to start somewhat fresh crew to cut through the moral and ethical lard of Washington has not been better in years. Time for a couple of reminders of what stale fat is out there and what fresh diet is available.

This is lard personified, Pennsylvania style.

A steady diet of ethics for Virginia or more thick nonesense from 'Macaca'?

The stuff coming out Conrad Burns's mouth in Missouri would lead one to believe he's a fathead.

A diet for him.

And in OH 02 we have Democrat Wurtin

managing to dine on the political carcass of her opponent Jean Schmidt, who is pround to announce

a break untill part 2,when more diet tips come your way.

Coming to a November near you soon.


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