Friday-Just Not The GOPS Day
We often associate Fridays with the day that certain items on the political front get revealed in the hope that they will dissipate over the weekend and not have much strength by the time everyone is supposedly paying attention come Monday morning. However lately Fridays have become the day when truly awful (for the GOP) news seems to ooze out,not to be forgotten over the weekend but,in fact to gestate and fester while the media gathers it's resourcs.
This Friday we have quite a bit of activity,besides the ongoing Foley drama with it's attendant Republican't mistatements. We have seen Sen Warner, head of the Armed Services Committee return from Iraq with a grim prognosis and a suggestion that a change of course is required. Every Friday it seems that Bush gets kneecapped on the National Security front,be it the NIE or some other bad item on that agenda,so very central to their campaign hopes.
Karl Roves top aide Susan Ralston,closely identified with lobbyist Jack Abromoff (she used to work for him) resigned today,the cloud of corruption surrounding her White House activities becoming too thick.

And of course Friday is a great day for the latest
from Katherine Harris and her futile campaign.
According to the Republican't candidate for the
Florida her opponent is not Christian enough. I can just feel the polls shift upward in her favor. All the way up to what? 30%? Nonetheles great food for thought for the weekend, which used to the time for these stories go away. Instead they have become the time for them to grow and mature. Another lousy Monday for Republican spinners.
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