Last Night In Virginia
The last in the series of four debates (there could have been more but it seems Allen and his team have gone to great lengths to avoid any more exposure than necessary) was held last and is garnering attention . As expected Allen tried to shift the topic to twenty seven year old statements made by Webb that are in made irrelevent by the facts on the ground (women in combat---a lot has changed over the years and the debate is entirly moot as women are in combat and paying the same price as the men). Webb in turn managed to completly flummox Allen on the of the Senkaku Islands of the coast of Taiwan. Given recent events one might think Allen might show a little more depth on the South East Asia file instead of hiding behind the tattered Republican't Family Values banner.
The debate got quite testy. For more in depth coverage check out the link to the Washington Post.

Donkey punch time.
Allen, Webb in Slashing, Wide-Ranging Debate - washingtonpost.com
I never understood why racism qualified as a "family value"!
Maybe perhaps if it's one of those "all in the family" families.Where even someone with a differant surname is suspect.
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