Swift Boating Ahoy
As we get into the crucial end weeks of this years midterms it isn't hard
to figure out that Democrats stand to make gains. The amount could be anywhere from not just breaking the 12 year hold of the GOP in the House but also the Senate. Its obvious that the Democrats stand to lose no ground and can only gain.Amounts to be determined. However we

dollars to spend as the campaign winds down. It doesn't
take a rocket scientist to figure out that money will go
into typical GOP Swift Boat attacks. Last time around the Democratic response to the nautical pond scum was rather as pictured to the right. Quiet and adrift. This
time around things have to,and may well be different.
Swiftboat assaults have been launched at a few of the
candidates running such as Eric Massa in NY 26,
Patrick Murphy Penn 08 and Joe Sestak in Penn 07.

The response has been to hit back hard,as it should be
in the face of Yellow Elephant campaign smears,attacks on
those that have served from those that did all they could to avoid service.
Wes Clark has been out helping these and others so I am sure some special slime torpedoe is being prepared by the Rovian minions for him at the appropriate time.
The attacks are a sign of desperation and while not unexepected seem to not be having an effect this time around as Massa's numbers,for one are solid( Majority Watch poll--Massa 52, Kuhl 40). Hitting back hard against these attacks is vital. When one of these oxygen thieves lurches out of the swamp with their smarmy allegations they should learn to expect a Swift Boot in the ass. Lessons learned----one would hope.
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