Congressman Joe Sestak is locked in a tight race with Teapublican favorite Pat Toomey for the Pa Senate race. Sestak has trailed throughout much of the contest. Is that a worry? Not really. He came from behind to win his District back in '06. He came from behind to upset Arlen Spector to take the primary. In other words, he's a good closer. And given that Toomey is stalled -- he's maxed out his support -- and Sestak is still showing movement, this race does not look good for the GOP. The most ignored aspect in this year of flawed polls seemingly based on the smoke and mirrors of such entities as 'likely voters' and generic ballots is the ability of the Democratic Party to conduct a very effective ground game in the GOTV arena.
A site for and about the Democratic Party and it's politics (in the spirit of DKos-- I'm an unapolegetic Kossack myself) with the objective of helping to elect as many Democrats as possible in both this year and '08. For and about includes history and how we got here so we can figure out the road map out. And that covers a lot of ground. Add your two cent's worth. No refunds.Be advised this is very much a pro Wes Clark site.
About Me
- Name: eastvan
A whole lotta years in the military (Redleg),with a family background that shows an unhealthy bent for all things political(genetic defect). Wife and self owned by cat.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Congressman Joe Sestak is locked in a tight race with Teapublican favorite Pat Toomey for the Pa Senate race. Sestak has trailed throughout much of the contest. Is that a worry? Not really. He came from behind to win his District back in '06. He came from behind to upset Arlen Spector to take the primary. In other words, he's a good closer. And given that Toomey is stalled -- he's maxed out his support -- and Sestak is still showing movement, this race does not look good for the GOP. The most ignored aspect in this year of flawed polls seemingly based on the smoke and mirrors of such entities as 'likely voters' and generic ballots is the ability of the Democratic Party to conduct a very effective ground game in the GOTV arena.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Trouble For Miller
Teapublican Joe Miller has problems. Ethical problems. On many levels. As do some of his supporters. Miller has been, despite his attempts, exposed as a liar. And capable of duplicitous activities such as tampering with the computers of others in order to slant a poll he set up to further both his and his sponser, Sarah Palins, agenda.
Miller has other ethical problems, such as collecting the very same benifits he calls unconstitutional. But now so do some of his supporters.
We all know now that a couple of his 'security' people handcuffed and detained a journalist -- in a clear violation of First Ammendment Rights. Problem is ( amongst so many others ) those upgraded Mall Cops were actually active duty soldiers. Who were there without the permission of their commanding officer. Who probably wouldn't have given it.
This was great for me, because a couple of days after this I was sceduled to give a brief to recruits on conduct. One aspect of which was the role of Active Duty soldiers in politics.
It's pretty simple. There isn't one. And those two idiots gave me a great teaching point. All I had to say to the class was picture that CO getting a call from way higher ( think five sided building ) wondering WTF? And think how that was rolling downhill........they got it.
I really wouldn't want to be those two guys.
But how is this connected to Miller directly, you ask? Simple. His lack of ethics his a contageous virus that affects all around like a poisonous , miasmic fog.
And this is not likely confined to Miller -- but he serves a great example. A lot of these teapublicans quite simply have not been vetted. While I am sure are fine, upstanding citizens amongst the teaper crowd, whose main flaw is just political naivity, there are many who are ticking time time bombs of indescretion. Nazi impersonators. Questionable on line postings. Receiving benifits or government subsidies ( not that there is anything wrong with that ) that they seem to want to deny to others. It's a long list.
And Millers bad week is only going to get worse. There are questions about his discharge. West Point Grad only does three year and three months of his five year obligation. Why? The Army --and particularly the WPPA doeasn't tend to let huge investments slip away. Unless there is good reason.
Is there? Perhaps we will find out. But not from Joe Miller. But his numbers are slipping and an opportunity has come that could allow Sitka Mayor Scott McAdams to slip up the middle of a split GOP vote.
So something good may come out of this after all. And maybe, just maybe the GOP will learn to vet candidates that drag all around them down.
Two Miller security team members investigated in Alaska – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs