
A site for and about the Democratic Party and it's politics (in the spirit of DKos-- I'm an unapolegetic Kossack myself) with the objective of helping to elect as many Democrats as possible in both this year and '08. For and about includes history and how we got here so we can figure out the road map out. And that covers a lot of ground. Add your two cent's worth. No refunds.Be advised this is very much a pro Wes Clark site.


A whole lotta years in the military (Redleg),with a family background that shows an unhealthy bent for all things political(genetic defect). Wife and self owned by cat.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Whiggery Doin's a' Transpirin'......

More on the rapid descent of the Grand Old Party as it relies on discredited spokesmen to make some sort of positioning on the issues of yesterday. So much easier than dealing with a future they seem unable to grasp. This from one of their own ( now surely off of Plush Limpaws Christmas card list... ). They may also want to listen to one of the only GOP strategists that makes any sense -- the exiled Mike Murphy who writes in Time of a " Republican Ice Age ".

But they won't. You betcha'!
Attack of the Zombie Republicans - Page 1 - The Daily Beast


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