It should come as no surprise to many that there has been a paucity of contribution on the part of quite a few segments of society as regards service in the uniformed branches of the military. It is well known that the priviliged offspring of the GOP types do not exactly beat a path to recruitment centers ( there are exeptions...the McCain family for example ). This has been discussed. We know why the GOP doesn't enlist. And recently there was a discussion involving the Ivy League. Only they didn't want to participate. Just as they do not have ROTC. Service seems to be, for them, for the little people.
(disclaimer here.... my fathers Law School education was paid for by the Navy. This enabled me to eat as a child, which I considered to be of no small importance ) It seems to me, to be pretty darn eletist to deny a segment of the population an education --- and a chance to use that education for the greater good --- just to prove some point. One that no longer has relevance.
It is far past the time for the Ivy League universities to once again join Society. A society that has had to fight two wars without their contribution. The free ride must end. In response to the demand, by a Harvard grad, to serve the Nation and the world. Time for them to do the right thing. Or it will be done for them. How many Harvard or Yale or Cornell ( my cousins alma mater ) have served the last few years? Not many. If any. A sad legacy for institutions that once contributed disproportianate numbers. It really is hard to fathom how such bastions of learning could sink to, well, acting like Republicans.
Frank Schaeffer has more, much more, below.
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