
A site for and about the Democratic Party and it's politics (in the spirit of DKos-- I'm an unapolegetic Kossack myself) with the objective of helping to elect as many Democrats as possible in both this year and '08. For and about includes history and how we got here so we can figure out the road map out. And that covers a lot of ground. Add your two cent's worth. No refunds.Be advised this is very much a pro Wes Clark site.


A whole lotta years in the military (Redleg),with a family background that shows an unhealthy bent for all things political(genetic defect). Wife and self owned by cat.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Scotty Spills The Beans

Washington is abuzz. And talking heads are spinning -- literaly and figuritivly on news of the release of former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan's book detailing background information of all the doin's that transpired during his time on the job. Scotty seems like he's a little pissed about being played behind his back. Taking big hits are none other than ( surprise! ) Karl Rove -- both in Plame case and in the handling of Hurricane Katrina. It seems Rove ignored Scotty's advice vis a vis the great optics provided by the photo of chimpy during his valiant flyover of the chaos below. Scotty said bad idea ( he was kinda right there ) but it was done behind his back. And of course the screaming of gored oxes has begun. Me thinks Scotty may make a buck or two from this book. Oh, yeah, theres a whole lot about a certain war. Details from Politico below....

Friday, May 23, 2008

Gosh What A Surprise!!!!!

Funny thing just happened today. Seems John McCains campaign isn't resonating with a few folk. No surprise there. What may be unusual is that the problem is located in, of all places, Phoenix, which, if memory serves right is in McCains home state. Something about having to cancel a fundraising event. Bummer, for him. Details below in the link.....

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Veterans Win. Jim Webb Wins. McCain Forgets His Roots.

In Washington today there was a victory long overdue. And another demonstration of how far John McCain and much of the GOP has distanced itself from the real world of peoples concerns. While McCain was busy throwing a lunatic endorser under the wheels of the Straight Talk Express a vote was underway in the Senate. A vote that McCain did not attend. The subject being voted on was Senator Jim Webbs bill to reform and update The GI Bill, something long overdue, to make it more in line with this era and it's soldiers. The Bill had large bipartisan support but was just short of a veto proof majority and may well have needed McCains vote. However The presumptive GOP nominee is on record against the bill. Little consideration was given by the McCain camp to the optics of the whole thing untill it was too late. And once it looked like the votes were there McCain still didn't come through. Once again the GOP has demonstrated that support the troops only means, to them, a bumper magnet. ( Kudos to those Republicans that did do the right thing and support this legislation.)

Final vote result --- 75 -22. Well done Senator Webb and those who supported this bill. Thanks for nothing Senator McCain.

More from Huff Po below....