The Fissures Become Cracks

The recent exodus by GOP members of Congress has not been the only departure of note recently. It seems that the Party can no longer count on the blind support of it's Evangelical wing. The once unswavering loyalty to G.W. Bush has dissipated in the wake of scandal, the war and and a desire for a change of direction from a new generation of Evangelicals. No theoligan I, I leave it to the NY Times weekend to explain this shift. It's a long read, but a worthwhile one. And one can't help but come away with a feeling that the '08 election is a wide open afffair at his point. It also begs a question -- the battle amongst GOP candidates for the support of the Religous Right may well be a struggle over a spent carcass, a struggle Rudi Gouliani and Mittens Romney seem to hve bent themselves into contorsions with flip flops to win. Wouldn't it be ironic if either won that struggle only to find that the electorate had moved somewhere else? Link below.