A site for and about the Democratic Party and it's politics (in the spirit of DKos-- I'm an unapolegetic Kossack myself) with the objective of helping to elect as many Democrats as possible in both this year and '08. For and about includes history and how we got here so we can figure out the road map out. And that covers a lot of ground. Add your two cent's worth. No refunds.Be advised this is very much a pro Wes Clark site.
About Me
- Name: eastvan
A whole lotta years in the military (Redleg),with a family background that shows an unhealthy bent for all things political(genetic defect). Wife and self owned by cat.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Interesting Words From Gore -- And A Date To Watch For.
October 15. That may loom as an important date in current politics. Or not. Decide for yourself. But when publications like BusinessWeek start to say nice things about Al Gore.....
Link Below:
Al Gore's TV Power Play

HRC - The Beltway and GOP Choice
It has long been said that Hillary Clinton is the nominee of choice of quite a few GOP strategists, the theory being that she is a polarizing figure. There is some substance to this. HRC certainly can be a red flag to man a Republican. Even disaffected ones, which seem to comprise quite a bloc at the moment. But there is another reason. She may win. For why that would be pleasing to Bush et al check the link below:
Monday, September 24, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007

There are some doin's a' transpirin' on the political front. There is a new group out in support of an Al Gore candidcy -- Netroots for Gore. And if you are one of those who feels that winning in '08 is too important to leave to the current crop of also rans then click on the link below and give them some support!
Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Fred campaign has started. And pretty much has fizzled. his jumping into the race hasn't had much of an effect on the swamp that is the GOP electoral pool. The candidate has been caught unawares of some issues ( Oil in Fla---Surprise!) and has overall brought a lacksadasical campaign approach thus far. It will be a surprise if he lasts much past Thanksgiving, let alone the still far off primaries. Roll on GOP.
Running for office --- sort off.....
Sunday, September 16, 2007
The Uniter has gone from being the Divider, to the
Fracturer. Having had enough, the former U.S. Senator from
Rhode Island has decided he can no longer be a member
of the Party both he and his father served so loyally for years.

of the Party both he and his father served so loyally for years.
Bye, Bye....
A trend that does not bode well for the GOP. It's continual..... always with the ' someone leaving ' thing. Whether from investigation, indictement, or General Disgust With The Whole Damn Thing!, there certainly appears to be an exodus. Time to turn these lights out.
Friday, September 14, 2007
A Delaware Possum Goes To Washington -- Soon!

And what, you ask, is a Delaware Possum? Some sort of rare species? Found only in The First State? Well... kind of, sort of. A Delaware Possum is found in Delaware, but it's not really a possum. In the true sense of the word, that is. It is actually the nom d'plume of Jerry Northington, a long time Kossack, veterinarian and veteran who has recently announced his candidcy for Delawares lone Congressional seat, currently held by the GOP. A long time activist and participant in not only his local community but also the on line one. He has been a driving force behind the human rights site NION ( Never In Our Our Names ) and as mentioned, a frequent contributer to DailyKos.
As part of the Netroots community Possum has a lot of online support. That will help, but it will be up to Democrats in Delaware to ensure a fresh, commited and hard working voice goes to Washington in the next Congress. People like Jerry will be needed, as so much damage has been done over the last few years of the Bush misAdministration that will take years of dedicated work to repair. Washington is a sick puppy and needs a good vet. Electing Jerry Northington is a good start on the road to recovery. This site supports Possum in his endeavor. Check in for updates. In the meantime, below is a link to the campaign site. Any support you can give is appreciated.

On the road to Washington
Stay tuned for updates.
Thursday, September 13, 2007

We Know Who Supports The Troops. Who Do The Troops Support?
There seems to be an interesting shift happening of late. While it is well known that the Democratic Party runs far more veterans ( The Fighting Dems ) than the GOP, mainly because so many more Democrats serve. Luminaries such as Joe Sestak and Jim Webb in the last election cycle for example. It seems now the money is following with donations from serving military definitly breaking towards the Democratic Party. Details below.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

of media rehabilitation former Vice President Al Gore has been enjoying of late. In fact, so rehabbed that momentum seems to be
building to a consensus that he may well be the man to beat the logjam of mediocrity and underacheivement that currently plagues the Democratic Party race for the nomination in a year that victory so waits to be plucked. Of course it is easy to forget that the current crop has been picked far before the actual season has started, far before ripeness has arrived.
building to a consensus that he may well be the man to beat the logjam of mediocrity and underacheivement that currently plagues the Democratic Party race for the nomination in a year that victory so waits to be plucked. Of course it is easy to forget that the current crop has been picked far before the actual season has started, far before ripeness has arrived.
If one thinks back a few years ( to about the same time he lost the White House while winning the election, not unlike Andrew Jackson to John Quincy Adams ) there was a time when there was a media onslaught against Mr Gore full of mistatements and distortions that had a telling effect both on the country and the world. Instead of the election of an honorable veteran with a large intellectual capacity a close vote enabled the Supreme Court to select a service evading simpleton. Who knows what would have happened if the media attention had been a little closer to reality and a little less based in lazy journalism?
It seems the media is having its mea culpa moment. Perhaps feeling a tad low about their previous shabby treatment the media has of late been much kinder to Mr Gore while seeming to spend some time in an awareness of the part they played in debacle that ensued. All of which
feeds speculation that Vice President Gore may well run for the office denied him in 2000. And that would be a good thing. It is his race for the nomination to win. And with Wes Clark as running mate they would provide an insurmountable obstacle for the GOP to overcome.
For an example media introspection check the link below.
Sunday, September 02, 2007

It's Getting Tough To Be A Republican

It just is not looking like a good time to be a GOP strategist right now.
Ever further into the miasmic swamp of electoral misfortune the
party plummets. Makes you wonder why Don Quixotes such as
Mittens Romney and Rudi Ghouliani strive to reach for their partys
tarnishned brass ring. They seem to be firmly in search of a whole lot
of nothing. WaPo has a summery....