
A site for and about the Democratic Party and it's politics (in the spirit of DKos-- I'm an unapolegetic Kossack myself) with the objective of helping to elect as many Democrats as possible in both this year and '08. For and about includes history and how we got here so we can figure out the road map out. And that covers a lot of ground. Add your two cent's worth. No refunds.Be advised this is very much a pro Wes Clark site.


A whole lotta years in the military (Redleg),with a family background that shows an unhealthy bent for all things political(genetic defect). Wife and self owned by cat.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Illinois 06---Tammy Duckworth Looks Strong

Meanwhile over in Ill 06 the race
is heating up. Tammy Duckworth is
leading her opponent,Republican't Roskom,who can't quite figure out,like many a Republican,that the electorate is severly pissed. Roskom has shown he deserves to trail in the race for Congress with some very ill conceived remarks that have received strong criticism from local media. Duckworth is getting out to poeple and working hard for victory in a district that was held for many years by Henry Hyde and has been favorable to the GOP for many a year. Like many areas though, some factors come into play. Changing demographics,coupled with extreme concern for shifting economic trends (and how they impact the average person--an issue completly ignored by the GOP) as well as a perception that the ossified Republican't majority is unable to grasp that

Tammy Duckworth for Congress Link here for more info

people are nervous. Not about terrorism,something they are,of course concerned with,but about what immediatly concerns them. such as their standard of living. Whether their kids will have the same opportunities. Their jobs. They are nervous and the GOP doesn't seem to offer a whole lot to ease their concerns. When candidates like Roskom use the Fear and Smear in the districts they wish to represent it falls on an increasingly unreceptive electorate. One that seems willing to reward the hard work and sacrifice of Major Duckworth with an opportunity for more hard work and sacrifice as the Representative for the Congressional District of Illinois 06. To make that happen will take lot of hard work as the calender moves closer to E-Day. If you're in the area I'm sure the Duckworth campaign would welcome your help.


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