A Better Climate For Labor?
The last few years have not been good for either the Union's or workers in general. Those that wish to maximize exploitive employment conditions have had a favorable climate in recent years, all the while eroding working conditions and wages. Unions have seen, at a time when they are most needed, their membership and influence diminishing as the corporate governance that has prevailed has wreaked mayhem on the average worker and the Middle Class. The Republican Congresses and current administration have stood by idly, or in silent concurrance, as livlihoods were shipped off in bulk to offshore employers not bothered by such details as a living wage. In return the American worker got a chance to be employed at Wal Mart and have an employee discount on crappy goods made offshore.
Pretty bad deal all around. FDR gave the New Deal. The Republicans gave the Bad Deal. All that, however, may be about to change. There is reason to be hopeful of change in these destructive policies and a reason for unions to feel a new empowerment. But there is a lot of work to be done and a lot of ground lost that needs to be regained. For more check the link below.
Unions Hope Democrats Will Counter GOP Policy Changes - washingtonpost.com

Time for labor to fight back
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