Here's A Perle Of A Reason The GOP Is Confused
Over the last couple of days we have been treated to rank display of a desperation fueled Republican't feeding frenzy,bound and determined to refight their last succesful election campaign. No doubt that many in the dark windowless basement offices of the GOP headquarters thought that a fullbore assault on Senator John Kerry's unfortunate mispeak would serve as a useful distraction from their own multitude of problems. But while they were doing that it seems one of their own was blathering on. And in such a way that it once again points to an Administration that long ago lost it's way-- if,inded, they were on the right map to start with. I love it when guy's like Richard Perle use words like 'dysfunctional' to describe their own little pond. Link Below.
Al Kamen - An Administration Ally Goes Off-Message - washingtonpost.com
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