All signs, on the surface, point to a Democratic Party victory on voting day. Yet still. there is much to be be worried about. 100,000 people out for a rally in St Louis is all well and good..heck, it's awesome. But lurking beneath there still are problems...... deep seated problems. And they were manifested the other day in an appearance by Barack Obama. His success is picking the scab off of some ugly wounds on the psyche of many a voter as the bright glare of attention focuses on both a future that may be and a past that is still with us in the present. To win, the Democrats must surmount this. And, to some degree they are. But to ensure victory in the face of fear and distrust they must translate a massive crowd out to see the candidate into a massive groundswell of a ground game, ensuring that people get to the polls. In an era of modern campaigning, with so many ways to reach an electorate it will come down to good old fashioned 'Get the vote out' -- GOTV.
Advantage Obama. In a recent political time where the GOP has had a formidible team a new, even better 'ground game' has emerged. And it must be at it's most, proven, best game on Election Day. No doubt, the election of '08 will be studied for many a year. Both for what worked and what didn't. And the Obama 'ground game', so badly needed to counter act the deep seated prejudices of so many will stand as the model. Check the link below to see what the stakes are...
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